First Posted 11/4/09
The one word that comes to mind in thinking about a year after Obama’s Presidency is indifference. This seems a vast contrast to the idea of hope and change that he initially proposed. This is not to say our President does not aspire to hope or change, only, that his hopes for change and the changes he wants have very little to do with the desires of hope and change of the American people. Despite being aware of this in his first year in office, President Obama remains stubbornly indifferent to the voices of those he serves. He remains petulant in defending his hopes and changes against the dissenting voices of American people. Whether it health-care reform, the Olympics in Chicago, the war in Afghanistan, or the stimulus package, this President has shown America that it is his will and not that of the American people that will be done.
Health care reform would be the most obvious example here. Despite the fact that according to a USA Today/Gallup Poll 67% of Americans are satisfied with their health care plans and insurance, Obama wants to completely re-format and change every aspect of health care under the guise of bettering health care for all. Despite the fact that according to most Americans polled more than a third believe the economy is our top priority and next Afghanistan with health care reform falling a distant fourth, the President has put health care reform at the very top of his to do list ignoring the huge deficits and peril such a plan will bring to our economy. Because it is his hope, he has ignored all of the rallies and feedback from the town halls (he suggested) on health care where most Americans spoke out against this costly and untimely government takeover of 1/6 of the economy. He has ignored it because it is a change he craves for this country even though an overwhelming majority of us express disdain for this type of change.
Obama has appeared and has been criticized as “dithering” on the war in Afghanistan namely because it is difficult to tell where he stands on reinforcing troop levels and the strategy for winning the war. Does not meeting only twice with General McCrystal on the strategy and progress of the war in Afghanistan reveal a sort of indifference? And, why would a President offering hope and change not supply troops with hope for winning the war and not make changes for the better to support the commanding general? Just last March the President agreed with bolstering troop levels and committed to winning the war and reforming Afghanistan and now most recently have Karzai the thumbs up for winning a fraudulent election. If the President wants to show more than indifference here, he should do more than show up at Dover to meet the caskets of the 18 fallen soldiers in October. He should commit to working with General McCrystal as often as necessary and support the mission wholeheartedly by protecting the lives of the soldiers already there. They need more troops, more protection, more support from this President.
Finally, the bid for the Olympics had very little to do with hope and change that Americans had been waiting on from this President. Very little support for the Olympics was expressed during his campaign and as far as most could tell, with the economy the way it is, all this hoopla about health care reform, the stimulus, etc, having the Olympics in Chicago was not on most Americans radar. Not at all. But, then Chicago did appear on the radar screen. Sixteen year old Derrion Albert was leaving Fenger High School on Chicago’s South Side when he was beaten to death by students while several classmates stood ringside and watched failing to help or even be mortified. Most were cheering and jumping about thrilled with their front row seats. Michelle Obama is from the South Side of Chicago. President Obama says he cares deeply for the South Side of Chicago where he began his legacy as a community activist. Why then did the President show such grave indifference by flying off to Denmark that very same week to bid on the Olympics and ironically so for Chicago? Shouldn’t a President advocating hope and change been able to recognize the fierce need of his very own community for his presence and his commitment to their hopes and the changes they needed to make? Instead a few weeks later the White House dispensed Eric Holder and Arne Duncan to meet with fellow Chicago cohorts at the Four Seasons. How far away is Fenger High School from the Four Seasons? How much more indifference could have been shown to those students, the teachers, and the parents of this community than this?
Americans admire the symbol of hope and change our President was able to portray. Americans respect the path to his Presidency. More and more obvious is that the admiration and respect is one-sided. A love affair should always have two sides not just one. How much longer do the American people have to wait for the President to fall in love with us?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lisa Fritsch New Radio Schedule
Lisa is now on Weekdays, Mondays through Thursdays from 10am to 11am on KLBJ 590AM . Tune in to hear her live.
Lisa Speaking at East Austin Republican Club
Location: Texas Land & Cattle Restaurant
6007 N I H 35, Austin, TX View Map
When:... Monday, September 28, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Phone: 512-633-6378
You do not have to live in East Austin in order to join us in trying to shine the light of truth into this community. For too long the Republican Party has written off this area, where there are so many conservatives that have been lied to for so long. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of this community. There should be no boundaries when it comes to helping to spread the truth.
Our speaker for the evening will be Lisa Fritsch, KLBJ local radio talk show host.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Talk of Race for Obama is a Giant Step Back for Obama and for Us
Originally Posted 9/16/2009
President Jimmy Carter has now made it official. The liberal Democrats have decided to make the country pay for the mistakes of the Obama administration and their agenda by faulting Americans as racist. It is time for minorities to step up and say that this time we will not be used as the scapegoat, as the propaganda, as the victim, and as the dividing force in this country in order to legitimate the nation’s first black President.
The race card has been up the media’s sleeve as a defense mechanism for President Obama long before Joe Wilson shouted out, “you lie”, in the special session to Congress. The Joe Wilson incident only provided the stage for a long written script that the media planned to pull out when Americans or conservatives dare criticize or vehemently disagree with the President. Is the only way to defend the President and his policies to drudge up the prejudices of this nation from sixty to hundreds of years ago? And, to play up on the one thing that can make Americans feel sorry for the President as if his blackness is some unspoken disability that many ignore, but, are expected to condescend to like a guy in a wheelchair in front of a heavy door? The whole fiasco about the half- African decent of President Obama’s being the cause of civil unrest is not only disgusting, but, pitiful: poor President Obama, if only he were white, Congress would have passed health care reform by now. If only most Americans were not racist, the town halls would be full of Americans rallying in support of all the spending coming out of Washington. And, if only the nation could accept a black man in charge, Obama could reign in unobstructed peace and solidarity no matter what policies or laws he wants to impose. When one actually translates out load the implication of the racist accusation, only then does the absurdity truly rise to the top.
Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps the American people deserve more credit than what the media will allow them? Here is a spectacular point of view: perhaps the American people are even more so disappointed in Obama because they expected SO much of him, not so little. And, in that expectation, many hoped positive change had come with him because of his race, not in spite of it? We have celebrated this awe inspiring African-American man. We have looked to him to unify us with his diverse points of view and his intellectual philosophies. We have turned to him for racial edification. We have hoped that this big change that was all about electing him would wipe the slate clean and cleanse us of our sins of a prejudiced past. Quite simply, the return on this promise has left us empty and further wanting. The promise of change, we have found out is a lie. And, we are to sit idly by while our country pays the price.
President Jimmy Carter has now made it official. The liberal Democrats have decided to make the country pay for the mistakes of the Obama administration and their agenda by faulting Americans as racist. It is time for minorities to step up and say that this time we will not be used as the scapegoat, as the propaganda, as the victim, and as the dividing force in this country in order to legitimate the nation’s first black President.
The race card has been up the media’s sleeve as a defense mechanism for President Obama long before Joe Wilson shouted out, “you lie”, in the special session to Congress. The Joe Wilson incident only provided the stage for a long written script that the media planned to pull out when Americans or conservatives dare criticize or vehemently disagree with the President. Is the only way to defend the President and his policies to drudge up the prejudices of this nation from sixty to hundreds of years ago? And, to play up on the one thing that can make Americans feel sorry for the President as if his blackness is some unspoken disability that many ignore, but, are expected to condescend to like a guy in a wheelchair in front of a heavy door? The whole fiasco about the half- African decent of President Obama’s being the cause of civil unrest is not only disgusting, but, pitiful: poor President Obama, if only he were white, Congress would have passed health care reform by now. If only most Americans were not racist, the town halls would be full of Americans rallying in support of all the spending coming out of Washington. And, if only the nation could accept a black man in charge, Obama could reign in unobstructed peace and solidarity no matter what policies or laws he wants to impose. When one actually translates out load the implication of the racist accusation, only then does the absurdity truly rise to the top.
Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps the American people deserve more credit than what the media will allow them? Here is a spectacular point of view: perhaps the American people are even more so disappointed in Obama because they expected SO much of him, not so little. And, in that expectation, many hoped positive change had come with him because of his race, not in spite of it? We have celebrated this awe inspiring African-American man. We have looked to him to unify us with his diverse points of view and his intellectual philosophies. We have turned to him for racial edification. We have hoped that this big change that was all about electing him would wipe the slate clean and cleanse us of our sins of a prejudiced past. Quite simply, the return on this promise has left us empty and further wanting. The promise of change, we have found out is a lie. And, we are to sit idly by while our country pays the price.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

(Originally Posted 8/18/2009)
“Are we there yet?” is the question being asked all over town these days and it isn’t the pee-wee voice of whining and bored kids. It’s moms across the country who want to know when the heck are we going to get to the first day of school. With the summer lingering on hot and slower each day and good summer camp programs drying up, most moms I know are simply running out of options to maintain order and dignity in their lives, let alone their homes.
I recently visited a friend’s house who invited my son over to hang and dropped my jaw as the first thing I witnessed were her “House Rules.” I read them once, and then twice. You mean another mom is feed up with slouching at the dinner table, cries of boredom, and by the love of God, leaving the patio door open!
So many of words on the list were verbatim what I’ve been preaching, okay, sometimes yelling to my kids all summer.
We all enjoy the summer and our children. It’s only that taking shelter from the heat towards the end of summer with the start of school in very near sight gives way to Shining like behavior from adults and kids alike. Thus, a few House Rules to keep us all in line.
I share these with you not only because they are what we wish for in our homes universally, but, also because they are so darn amusing to read out loud. Here they are in her own script. I have typed them below in case they are hard to read:
Have a great school year!
House Rules:
1. No intentional vexing
2. No screaming or Emotional bullying
3. Those who clean up after themselves will be praised and glorified
4. Ask before you open the refrigerator/freezer
5. At table: sit up; eat with fork; use your plate; close your mouth while eating; knees down; sit until done
6. Make your bed
7. Flush the toilet after No.2
8. Dirty clothes in hamper
9. Do not say, “I’m bored” or “no fair”
10. Close the outside doors behind you
11. No Badgering
12. “Hello” “Goodbye” “Please” “Thank you”
(Originally Posted 7/6/2009)
I do not want to regret my support of Sarah Palin, but....
Since her first interview with Katie Couric, I and women like me have been defending her against the mean and nasty press. We’ve been standing up for her and her plain talk as mainstream and down to earth. We admired her witty but quirky ways to identify with most Americans: remember the hockey mom, pitbull and the lipstick quip? Or, the jokes about shooting a moose? All great.
Back then, the quick observations that she was an intellectual lightweight (code word used all around, “dumb” or “stupid”) seemed to be the media’s natural reaction to being threatened by Palin’s appeal to ordinary Americans and conservatives. Much later when the McCain team “leaked” information that she was a diva and shopaholic on a Neiman Marcus binge, many Palin supporters like myself wagged our finger at John McCain that he would allow such disloyalty and disrespect to his running mate and the first Republican female Vice Presidential nominee. Then came more nasty pieces by the likes of Maureen Dowd and Gail Collins of the New York times that were easily dismissed as elite snobbery woman to woman against a conservative pro-life Republican. David Letterman was next to attack full speed ahead and we were there once more calling him out for his inappropriate suggestion that rape is okay if you are Sarah Palin’s daughter. Saturday Night Live was there from the beginning. And most recently Vanity Fair who stoops to a new level of trashy and base journalism to mock and criticize Palin. The media plain hates Sarah Palin hands down and there wasn’t much she or her supporters could do about it. At least not to change it. Even so we were right to stand with her and for her and we are right today to ask, “ What the heck was that Sarah Palin?”
We’ve all conceded that Palin was rough around the edges on the big media stage, but, her latest revelation that she is resigning as Governor of Alaska for a higher calling is another example of her being completely unqualified to deal with the media and her own image. It wasn’t so much that she is quitting her post, something that seems to lack integrity and the toughness she’s so tried to portray, rather, the way she quit. She rambled and rambled about being a point guard and higher callings and in the meantime insinuated that her feelings were hurt. Lately, Palin is single handedly self destructing on every camera and every microphone that comes her way. And, it isn’t because of what the media is saying, it is because she doesn’t know when to be quiet and what to be quiet about.
After all this, I do still believe in Sarah Palin and a woman like her. I believe our attraction to her freshness and core conservative stance was authentic and real. That strong favor she curried has the potential to create real heat in 2012, but, it will not be without some serious reckoning for Republicans. We will have to acknowledge that to defend a Sarah Palin or a ridiculed candidate like her is just as good as saying “it’s not fair.” She is not perfect and she needs serious communication and literacy consulting. A few buzz words, and political talking points, can’t hurt. And, finally, a haircut (goodbye Caribou Barbie) and a pantsuit should not be too far behind.
I do not want to regret my support of Sarah Palin, but....
Since her first interview with Katie Couric, I and women like me have been defending her against the mean and nasty press. We’ve been standing up for her and her plain talk as mainstream and down to earth. We admired her witty but quirky ways to identify with most Americans: remember the hockey mom, pitbull and the lipstick quip? Or, the jokes about shooting a moose? All great.
Back then, the quick observations that she was an intellectual lightweight (code word used all around, “dumb” or “stupid”) seemed to be the media’s natural reaction to being threatened by Palin’s appeal to ordinary Americans and conservatives. Much later when the McCain team “leaked” information that she was a diva and shopaholic on a Neiman Marcus binge, many Palin supporters like myself wagged our finger at John McCain that he would allow such disloyalty and disrespect to his running mate and the first Republican female Vice Presidential nominee. Then came more nasty pieces by the likes of Maureen Dowd and Gail Collins of the New York times that were easily dismissed as elite snobbery woman to woman against a conservative pro-life Republican. David Letterman was next to attack full speed ahead and we were there once more calling him out for his inappropriate suggestion that rape is okay if you are Sarah Palin’s daughter. Saturday Night Live was there from the beginning. And most recently Vanity Fair who stoops to a new level of trashy and base journalism to mock and criticize Palin. The media plain hates Sarah Palin hands down and there wasn’t much she or her supporters could do about it. At least not to change it. Even so we were right to stand with her and for her and we are right today to ask, “ What the heck was that Sarah Palin?”
We’ve all conceded that Palin was rough around the edges on the big media stage, but, her latest revelation that she is resigning as Governor of Alaska for a higher calling is another example of her being completely unqualified to deal with the media and her own image. It wasn’t so much that she is quitting her post, something that seems to lack integrity and the toughness she’s so tried to portray, rather, the way she quit. She rambled and rambled about being a point guard and higher callings and in the meantime insinuated that her feelings were hurt. Lately, Palin is single handedly self destructing on every camera and every microphone that comes her way. And, it isn’t because of what the media is saying, it is because she doesn’t know when to be quiet and what to be quiet about.
After all this, I do still believe in Sarah Palin and a woman like her. I believe our attraction to her freshness and core conservative stance was authentic and real. That strong favor she curried has the potential to create real heat in 2012, but, it will not be without some serious reckoning for Republicans. We will have to acknowledge that to defend a Sarah Palin or a ridiculed candidate like her is just as good as saying “it’s not fair.” She is not perfect and she needs serious communication and literacy consulting. A few buzz words, and political talking points, can’t hurt. And, finally, a haircut (goodbye Caribou Barbie) and a pantsuit should not be too far behind.
John & Kate Plus 8 – So What?
(Originally Posted 6/23/2009)
This John and Kate Plus 8 has turned into the biggest and lamest media blitz since the swine flu. I believe I watched the show once when it was supposedly in its charming state: a cute couple with 8 cute kids and a crazy life. "Wow? How did they manage to handle it all and stay so in love? Wasn’t it dreamy?" No, for me it never was. The whole time perched upon my sofa I kept thinking this production of theirs was pathetic and unrealistic. I never understood why so many people would tune in to watch a complete lie.
The sad thing is that maybe John and Kate plus 8 didn’t have to be a lie. Perhaps they could have made it without the cameras in their face 24/7 or without the developing pride and ego that instant and unwarranted fame seems to bring. With all the reality shows and so called stars popping up with something to share with the world that had they kept to themselves would have been more relevant, it makes one wonder if John and Kate and their 8 would have been more charming and viable if we didn’t all have to know them with all their business spilled into the streets.
This John and Kate Plus 8 has turned into the biggest and lamest media blitz since the swine flu. I believe I watched the show once when it was supposedly in its charming state: a cute couple with 8 cute kids and a crazy life. "Wow? How did they manage to handle it all and stay so in love? Wasn’t it dreamy?" No, for me it never was. The whole time perched upon my sofa I kept thinking this production of theirs was pathetic and unrealistic. I never understood why so many people would tune in to watch a complete lie.
The sad thing is that maybe John and Kate plus 8 didn’t have to be a lie. Perhaps they could have made it without the cameras in their face 24/7 or without the developing pride and ego that instant and unwarranted fame seems to bring. With all the reality shows and so called stars popping up with something to share with the world that had they kept to themselves would have been more relevant, it makes one wonder if John and Kate and their 8 would have been more charming and viable if we didn’t all have to know them with all their business spilled into the streets.
Where is Todd Palin
(Originally Posted 6/15/2009)
I know that Sarah Palin is the Governor, but, shouldn’t Todd Palin be in Letterman’s face for dishonoring his daughter as well. Sure this is a time for women to be outraged over another incident of a man marginalizing a young woman, or girl, in this case, but, we need more men to fight on our behalf.
Todd Palin could issue a curt one liner telling David Letterman not to utter another word about his daughters in a sexually degrading way or else. A man several generations before would never dare dishonor a man’s daughter because they knew they would have to deal with the father. As long as we only have women speaking out while men remain silent, it seems a one-sided problem for women only. And it is not. If women suffer and their honor goes unprotected, men will inevitably suffer the consequences in the long run with their future sons, wives, or their own daughters.
I know that Sarah Palin is the Governor, but, shouldn’t Todd Palin be in Letterman’s face for dishonoring his daughter as well. Sure this is a time for women to be outraged over another incident of a man marginalizing a young woman, or girl, in this case, but, we need more men to fight on our behalf.
Todd Palin could issue a curt one liner telling David Letterman not to utter another word about his daughters in a sexually degrading way or else. A man several generations before would never dare dishonor a man’s daughter because they knew they would have to deal with the father. As long as we only have women speaking out while men remain silent, it seems a one-sided problem for women only. And it is not. If women suffer and their honor goes unprotected, men will inevitably suffer the consequences in the long run with their future sons, wives, or their own daughters.
Monday, August 17, 2009

“Are we there yet?” is the question being asked all over town these days and it isn’t the pea voice of whining and bored kids. It’s moms across the country who want to know when the heck are we going to get to the first day of school. With the summer lingering on hot and slower each day and good summer camp programs drying up, most moms I know are simply running out of options to maintain order and dignity in their lives, let alone their homes.
I recently visited a friend’s house who invited my son over to hang and dropped my jaw as the first thing I witnessed were her “House Rules.” I read them once, and then twice. You mean another mom is feed up with slouching at the dinner table, cries of boredom, and by the love of God, leaving the patio door open!
So many of words on the list were verbatim what I’ve been preaching, okay, sometimes yelling to my kids all summer.
We all enjoy the summer and our children. It’s only that taking shelter from the heat towards the end of summer with the start of school in very near sight gives way to Shining like behavior from adults and kids alike. Thus, a few House Rules to keep us all in line.
I share these with you not only because they are what we wish for in our homes universally, but, also because they are so darn amusing to read out loud. Here they are in her own script. I have typed them below in case they are hard to read:
Have a great school year!
House Rules:
1. No intentional vexing
2. No screaming or Emotional bullying
3. Those who clean up after themselves will be praised and glorified
4. Ask before you open the refrigerator/freezer
5. At table: sit up; eat with fork; use your plate; close your mouth while eating; knees down; sit until done
6. Make your bed
7. Flush the toilet after No.2
8. Dirty clothes in hamper
9. Do not say, “I’m bored” or “no fair”
10. Close the outside doors behind you
11. No Badgering
12. “Hello” “Goodbye” “Please” “Thank you”
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Europe, Asia, and the Middle East – Obama’s New BFF’s.
(Originally Posted 4/9/2009)
Of course Europeans and other nations around the globe are welcoming Obama with open arms because every time he opens his mouth, it is bad for Americans. Obama is now a symbol of the United States becoming just like every other nation: weak on defense (he mentioned ridding the US of our nukes), subdued individual rights and freedoms (higher taxes and less control over one’s own wealth). America has always been looked upon as a great superpower where life, liberty, prosperity, and individual merit reign. We’ve had no equal in terms of military strength, GNP, and social freedom. Around the world we have been envied for these reasons. Now; however, it seems we are to become contemporaries to the rest of the world – oh they are hoping so- and President Obama is out giving assurances to that fact.
It isn’t only that our economy is weakened alongside the rest of the world. By touting his socialist programs such as nationalized health care, government control of private sectors and industries, extreme tax hikes, and equally extreme government spending, the rest of the world can now be assured that we are headed straight down in stature to join them in mediocrity.
And, on Michelle Obama being such a phenomenal success, how could the media or anyone else treat the first black first lady as anything but.
Lisa Fritsch
Of course Europeans and other nations around the globe are welcoming Obama with open arms because every time he opens his mouth, it is bad for Americans. Obama is now a symbol of the United States becoming just like every other nation: weak on defense (he mentioned ridding the US of our nukes), subdued individual rights and freedoms (higher taxes and less control over one’s own wealth). America has always been looked upon as a great superpower where life, liberty, prosperity, and individual merit reign. We’ve had no equal in terms of military strength, GNP, and social freedom. Around the world we have been envied for these reasons. Now; however, it seems we are to become contemporaries to the rest of the world – oh they are hoping so- and President Obama is out giving assurances to that fact.
It isn’t only that our economy is weakened alongside the rest of the world. By touting his socialist programs such as nationalized health care, government control of private sectors and industries, extreme tax hikes, and equally extreme government spending, the rest of the world can now be assured that we are headed straight down in stature to join them in mediocrity.
And, on Michelle Obama being such a phenomenal success, how could the media or anyone else treat the first black first lady as anything but.
Lisa Fritsch
Obama is Bizarro Reagan
(Originally Posted 3/24/2009)
Do you remember that Seinfeld episode where Elaine meets friends opposite of Jerry, Kramer, George, and Newman? Mainly the difference is with Jerry’s opposite, who unlike Jerry is not so finicky about cleanliness, is polite to Elaine, and is intelligent and helpful. In this bizarro episode everything appears similar to Jerry and his friends, but, it is completely and happily its opposite.
Pete Souza is the Chief Whitehouse photographer for President Barack Obama. Pete Souza also served as Chief Whitehouse photographer for none other than President Ronald Reagan. Could it be that hiring Reagan’s same Whitehouse photographer, Obama is hinting at wanting a legacy similar to Ronald Regan?
You many also recall Barack Obama during his campaign praising Ronald Reagan saying, “Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, and a way that Bill Clinton did not,” he said, describing Reagan as appealing to a sentiment that, “We want clarity, we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing.” Seems Barack Obama has an odd fascination and adoration of President Reagan and is in fact attempting to emulate him in many ways, albeit, in opposite form. Thus, Obama is the Bizarro Reagan.
The contrasts in each similar category are clear and intriguing:
- Reagan was a staunch conservative; Obama is a radical liberal.
- Reagan was right handed; Obama is left handed.
- Regan was white; Obama is black.
- Reagan did away with the 90% tax on wealth; Obama is aiming to bring it back to life.
But, here is the big one: Reagan did indeed “change the trajectory of America” in a way that no other President has. Yet, Reagan’s purpose was to inspire Americans to achieve for the own individual sake, realizing that a collective good would follow. This was dynamic and radical for his time and has since set us up for a booming capitalist empire that we’ve relished for the last two decades. Obama too longs for this same accolade in history – this so called changing of topography in our system; however, his means is just the opposite of Reagan. Obama’s policies seek to water down individual strength and prosperity thereby creating a homogenous pool of averageness.
Obama desires this legacy of change from the left side of the isle. Only, what was good about the changes Reagan made and the imprint of entrepreneurship he left behind does not seem attainable in Obama’s bizarro version of Regan. By the end of the Bizarro Jerry episode, Elaine realized that while Jerry and friends had their bad habits, the flaws of the bizarro world were too much to bear. Americans seem to be catching on to what this bizarro administration has to offer and it isn’t looking all that good. And as for being Reaganisque, Obama isn’t even close.
Do you remember that Seinfeld episode where Elaine meets friends opposite of Jerry, Kramer, George, and Newman? Mainly the difference is with Jerry’s opposite, who unlike Jerry is not so finicky about cleanliness, is polite to Elaine, and is intelligent and helpful. In this bizarro episode everything appears similar to Jerry and his friends, but, it is completely and happily its opposite.
Pete Souza is the Chief Whitehouse photographer for President Barack Obama. Pete Souza also served as Chief Whitehouse photographer for none other than President Ronald Reagan. Could it be that hiring Reagan’s same Whitehouse photographer, Obama is hinting at wanting a legacy similar to Ronald Regan?
You many also recall Barack Obama during his campaign praising Ronald Reagan saying, “Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, and a way that Bill Clinton did not,” he said, describing Reagan as appealing to a sentiment that, “We want clarity, we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing.” Seems Barack Obama has an odd fascination and adoration of President Reagan and is in fact attempting to emulate him in many ways, albeit, in opposite form. Thus, Obama is the Bizarro Reagan.
The contrasts in each similar category are clear and intriguing:
- Reagan was a staunch conservative; Obama is a radical liberal.
- Reagan was right handed; Obama is left handed.
- Regan was white; Obama is black.
- Reagan did away with the 90% tax on wealth; Obama is aiming to bring it back to life.
But, here is the big one: Reagan did indeed “change the trajectory of America” in a way that no other President has. Yet, Reagan’s purpose was to inspire Americans to achieve for the own individual sake, realizing that a collective good would follow. This was dynamic and radical for his time and has since set us up for a booming capitalist empire that we’ve relished for the last two decades. Obama too longs for this same accolade in history – this so called changing of topography in our system; however, his means is just the opposite of Reagan. Obama’s policies seek to water down individual strength and prosperity thereby creating a homogenous pool of averageness.
Obama desires this legacy of change from the left side of the isle. Only, what was good about the changes Reagan made and the imprint of entrepreneurship he left behind does not seem attainable in Obama’s bizarro version of Regan. By the end of the Bizarro Jerry episode, Elaine realized that while Jerry and friends had their bad habits, the flaws of the bizarro world were too much to bear. Americans seem to be catching on to what this bizarro administration has to offer and it isn’t looking all that good. And as for being Reaganisque, Obama isn’t even close.
Eric Holder is the Coward
(Originally Posted 2/19/2009)
Here we go again. Another high achieving black liberal telling Americans that we aren’t good enough for him. And, just what is our crime this time? “We, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race,” says newly appointed US Attorney General, Eric Holder. Holder who is black goes on to call Americans cowards on racial matters. Excuse me Mr. Holder. Just what are you complaining about? If there is anything to talk about in regards to racial matters in the country it is how nearly 70% of black children are missing fathers. Should we really talk about how although the black community makes up %12 of the nation, we account for 70% of the correctional facility population. If anyone is a coward, with all due respect Atty. Holder, it is you.
For someone who has made it to the top office of the law field, under an African-American administration to come out and project racist notions onto America, makes you irresponsible and a coward. The cowardice you bear is one of deep hypocrisy. While you lecture on racism, you neglect to lecture on choices and the natural consequences of ones’ actions. Did you ever think to share with the suffering minority who are finding their lives to be in distress, exactly what catapulted you to success? I can bet the reason you are where you are today isn’t because you opened up dialogues on race and racism everywhere you went. I’ll bet when you were interviewing for a position with a law firm, or, any form of management you were able to articulate and communicate effectively what you have to offer. Though I don’t know you personally, Mr. Holder, I am willing to go out on a limb and bet that you don’t have any children out of wedlock with a high-school drop-out, nor do you have a criminal record.
Or, did you, despite any obstacle in your way, always commit to doing your best. Did you believing that race might be against you in your generation work twice as hard. Did you decide to make friends who kept out of trouble: all very good choices, that you would have been heroic and noble to share to the many black children and adults who are afflicted with the blame syndrome that is the leading culprit of our failures in the black community today.
The cowardice is in the one sidedness of lectures from Mr. Holder and others like him while. And, we are just supposed to suck it up and take it. Meanwhile, others who inch forward with a modern truth on race and achievement and opportunity are shut down as elites, out of touch, or worse sell-outs. It is an embarrassment to the black community to have someone who has made it so far in life, to come back and look down on those of us who want to hear more about what got them there instead of their lying to everyone else about what’s keeping the bottom half of black America from joining them at the top. Considering his great position and background Mr. Holder makes it more embarrassing to be black, than, say the gangster mall thugs with the baggy pants and gold chains. At least they know exactly who they are.
Here we go again. Another high achieving black liberal telling Americans that we aren’t good enough for him. And, just what is our crime this time? “We, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race,” says newly appointed US Attorney General, Eric Holder. Holder who is black goes on to call Americans cowards on racial matters. Excuse me Mr. Holder. Just what are you complaining about? If there is anything to talk about in regards to racial matters in the country it is how nearly 70% of black children are missing fathers. Should we really talk about how although the black community makes up %12 of the nation, we account for 70% of the correctional facility population. If anyone is a coward, with all due respect Atty. Holder, it is you.
For someone who has made it to the top office of the law field, under an African-American administration to come out and project racist notions onto America, makes you irresponsible and a coward. The cowardice you bear is one of deep hypocrisy. While you lecture on racism, you neglect to lecture on choices and the natural consequences of ones’ actions. Did you ever think to share with the suffering minority who are finding their lives to be in distress, exactly what catapulted you to success? I can bet the reason you are where you are today isn’t because you opened up dialogues on race and racism everywhere you went. I’ll bet when you were interviewing for a position with a law firm, or, any form of management you were able to articulate and communicate effectively what you have to offer. Though I don’t know you personally, Mr. Holder, I am willing to go out on a limb and bet that you don’t have any children out of wedlock with a high-school drop-out, nor do you have a criminal record.
Or, did you, despite any obstacle in your way, always commit to doing your best. Did you believing that race might be against you in your generation work twice as hard. Did you decide to make friends who kept out of trouble: all very good choices, that you would have been heroic and noble to share to the many black children and adults who are afflicted with the blame syndrome that is the leading culprit of our failures in the black community today.
The cowardice is in the one sidedness of lectures from Mr. Holder and others like him while. And, we are just supposed to suck it up and take it. Meanwhile, others who inch forward with a modern truth on race and achievement and opportunity are shut down as elites, out of touch, or worse sell-outs. It is an embarrassment to the black community to have someone who has made it so far in life, to come back and look down on those of us who want to hear more about what got them there instead of their lying to everyone else about what’s keeping the bottom half of black America from joining them at the top. Considering his great position and background Mr. Holder makes it more embarrassing to be black, than, say the gangster mall thugs with the baggy pants and gold chains. At least they know exactly who they are.
Farewell Mr. President – You’ve been Mis – underestimated
(Originally Posted 1/16/2009)
I have a feeling we will not fully appreciate President Bush until he is gone. With all the hype over the coming of President Elect Barack Obama, President Bush’s farewell address of last night hardly got any ink in the papers this morning.
Still, there is something off in the perception that Bush is all plunder and blunder whereas Obama is hope.
A bit earlier in the day, President to be Obama made a speech on the economy and his plans to revive it. Nothing of hope, change, or optimism was mentioned. This is nothing new, unnoticed, but not new. These elements are most lacking when Obama mentions Americans. He often speaks of the tired blue collar worker without money to pay bills, or the elderly without adequate prescription coverage, or the family who cannot get health insurance, or failing school systems. Never a hope or a change. Never a vision for a brighter future.
Compare this to George W. Bush last night who spent time in his farewell speech lifting up the names of a special few who made great contributions to our country. In his speech was the celebration of a marine who saved the lives of three fellow Marines. He spoke of America and the character of Americans as our hope going into an uncertain and unbalanced future. Said Bush, “We see America's character in Dr. Tony Recasner, a principal who opened a new charter school from the ruins of Hurricane Katrina." We see it in Julio Medina, a former inmate who leads a faith-based program to help prisoners returning to society. We see it in Staff Sgt. Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.” Without knowing and paying tribute to our commitment to our country and each other, how can there be hope. As long as we know that we are still trying, still excelling and accomplishing, can’t we do anything. The economy is not stronger than our American character and our will to press on. We cannot allow it to be.
Thank you, President Bush, for your service and your commitment to the American dream and the American faith these last eight years. It could be that we are losing a President that really does get it, or more importantly, gets us. We may be losing our last hope – the hope that bets on America not against her.
A few of us do understand.
I have a feeling we will not fully appreciate President Bush until he is gone. With all the hype over the coming of President Elect Barack Obama, President Bush’s farewell address of last night hardly got any ink in the papers this morning.
Still, there is something off in the perception that Bush is all plunder and blunder whereas Obama is hope.
A bit earlier in the day, President to be Obama made a speech on the economy and his plans to revive it. Nothing of hope, change, or optimism was mentioned. This is nothing new, unnoticed, but not new. These elements are most lacking when Obama mentions Americans. He often speaks of the tired blue collar worker without money to pay bills, or the elderly without adequate prescription coverage, or the family who cannot get health insurance, or failing school systems. Never a hope or a change. Never a vision for a brighter future.
Compare this to George W. Bush last night who spent time in his farewell speech lifting up the names of a special few who made great contributions to our country. In his speech was the celebration of a marine who saved the lives of three fellow Marines. He spoke of America and the character of Americans as our hope going into an uncertain and unbalanced future. Said Bush, “We see America's character in Dr. Tony Recasner, a principal who opened a new charter school from the ruins of Hurricane Katrina." We see it in Julio Medina, a former inmate who leads a faith-based program to help prisoners returning to society. We see it in Staff Sgt. Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.” Without knowing and paying tribute to our commitment to our country and each other, how can there be hope. As long as we know that we are still trying, still excelling and accomplishing, can’t we do anything. The economy is not stronger than our American character and our will to press on. We cannot allow it to be.
Thank you, President Bush, for your service and your commitment to the American dream and the American faith these last eight years. It could be that we are losing a President that really does get it, or more importantly, gets us. We may be losing our last hope – the hope that bets on America not against her.
A few of us do understand.
Lisa’s 2nd Annual Westlake Restaurant Wish List
(Originally Posted 12/20/2008)
Everyone in town knows that you don’t go to Westlake for the food, well, not most of the time. When deciding where to have lunch, I find myself going over the same restaurant rolodex: Thistle, Berry Hill, The Grove, Chili’s – no wait, it closed!!! Speaking of which how can a part of town be so restaurant jinxed that it cannot support a Chili’s? It isn’t that I don’t appreciate The Grove, Berry Hill and Thistle, - of course I do – without them we’d all be eating sandwiches for lunch every day. Only, I would like something a little more this year. I have a new food obsession along with many other Austinites who love delicious straightforward fare: trailer joints.
Yes, that is right. I would like to see more trailers in Westlake – restaurant trailers. I don’t mind trekking to SoCo and the East Side for the little portals of yummy, but, sometimes with all I have going on, a 45 minute round trip drive for a gooey delicious taco or cupcake just can’t work. So here are the ones that keep my jonesing at least once a week or longer. My top 5 wishes are for:
1. Torchy’s – all you need to know is fried avocado. And, their queso should be illegal it is so good. I ate a whole cup of it alone.
2. Shruggie’s – a quick delicious hamburger would be just what the doctor order
3. Cupcakes – a red velvet cupcake on a Monday afternoon would completely turn my whole week around.
Non Trailers
4. Mighty Fine – maybe this would not be such a good idea when I think of it since I eat a double meat now. Order the Jr. Beast with bacon & jalapenos – you will not have a single again.
5. East Side Pies – I may be pressing here, but, what if I say “PLEASE?”
And, of course I am thankful for:
1. The Grove – Awesome Caesar salad - how often do you get shaved parm at a casual lunch eatery. Vodka shrimp penne – thanks!
2. Amy’s – thanks for showing us some love Amy. The cookie monster ruined me from single flavors forever
3. Berry Hill – with an updated menu and better service, options are unlimited.
4. Maudies – what can I say
5. Thai Spice – lunch is the biggest bargain with sushi and appetizer buffet coming complimentary with $8 beef pad thai meal
Everyone in town knows that you don’t go to Westlake for the food, well, not most of the time. When deciding where to have lunch, I find myself going over the same restaurant rolodex: Thistle, Berry Hill, The Grove, Chili’s – no wait, it closed!!! Speaking of which how can a part of town be so restaurant jinxed that it cannot support a Chili’s? It isn’t that I don’t appreciate The Grove, Berry Hill and Thistle, - of course I do – without them we’d all be eating sandwiches for lunch every day. Only, I would like something a little more this year. I have a new food obsession along with many other Austinites who love delicious straightforward fare: trailer joints.
Yes, that is right. I would like to see more trailers in Westlake – restaurant trailers. I don’t mind trekking to SoCo and the East Side for the little portals of yummy, but, sometimes with all I have going on, a 45 minute round trip drive for a gooey delicious taco or cupcake just can’t work. So here are the ones that keep my jonesing at least once a week or longer. My top 5 wishes are for:
1. Torchy’s – all you need to know is fried avocado. And, their queso should be illegal it is so good. I ate a whole cup of it alone.
2. Shruggie’s – a quick delicious hamburger would be just what the doctor order
3. Cupcakes – a red velvet cupcake on a Monday afternoon would completely turn my whole week around.
Non Trailers
4. Mighty Fine – maybe this would not be such a good idea when I think of it since I eat a double meat now. Order the Jr. Beast with bacon & jalapenos – you will not have a single again.
5. East Side Pies – I may be pressing here, but, what if I say “PLEASE?”
And, of course I am thankful for:
1. The Grove – Awesome Caesar salad - how often do you get shaved parm at a casual lunch eatery. Vodka shrimp penne – thanks!
2. Amy’s – thanks for showing us some love Amy. The cookie monster ruined me from single flavors forever
3. Berry Hill – with an updated menu and better service, options are unlimited.
4. Maudies – what can I say
5. Thai Spice – lunch is the biggest bargain with sushi and appetizer buffet coming complimentary with $8 beef pad thai meal
Is It Better to Be Black Now that Obama will be President?
(Originally Posted 11/19/2008)
The Obama family is now the Cosby’s in real life. But even the Drs. Huxtable cannot top the First Family as a symbol of a rich and strong family unit. Growing up, I never realized it was such a big deal that the Huxtables were a black family. In my middle class neighborhood was a black doctor with a large home and a family. (We all thought they were really rich by the way.) We had hardworking teachers, plant and factory workers, stay at home moms, working moms. We were surrounded by families. Perhaps not like the Huxtables, but, mothers and fathers all the same. This type of intimate knowledge of the family unit is what truly matters.
I am fascinated by the stories of black people and mothers of black children who only now believe that doors have been opened and that what can be achieved is limitless. More than fascinated, I am also a little disappointed, for, why all the wasted time in cynicism and not striving?
I do believe this moment is an inspiration and uplifting for all people; however, we must all recognize that the true change begins with our hard work, our efforts to reach out to others, and our faith in each other, not a politician no matter what color. And, so it has always been. That many black Americans are just now opening their eyes to limitless horizons is shocking. Haven’t we seen this moment coming with the appointment of Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Quincy Jones, Condoleeza Rice, Kenneth Chenault (Chairman of American Express) Oprah Winfrey? We have had many symbols of what is possible for two decades now. Should we all be asking if not me, who then? This is what Obama, Oprah, Quincy Jones, and Condoleeza Rice asked before they where OBAMA, OPRAH, and the Quincy Jones.
But, will the Obama family image changed completely the communal dynamic of black families and the black community? This remains to be seen and I must say I am a skeptic.
The point is this: those who have always veered toward and expected success for themselves and their communities will continue to fulfill that high purpose – perhaps with Obama in mind. Unfortunately, and I do hope this is not the case, I fear that the afterglow of Obama being elected will wear off when people who have always found an excuse will simply come up with a different one.
The Obama family is now the Cosby’s in real life. But even the Drs. Huxtable cannot top the First Family as a symbol of a rich and strong family unit. Growing up, I never realized it was such a big deal that the Huxtables were a black family. In my middle class neighborhood was a black doctor with a large home and a family. (We all thought they were really rich by the way.) We had hardworking teachers, plant and factory workers, stay at home moms, working moms. We were surrounded by families. Perhaps not like the Huxtables, but, mothers and fathers all the same. This type of intimate knowledge of the family unit is what truly matters.
I am fascinated by the stories of black people and mothers of black children who only now believe that doors have been opened and that what can be achieved is limitless. More than fascinated, I am also a little disappointed, for, why all the wasted time in cynicism and not striving?
I do believe this moment is an inspiration and uplifting for all people; however, we must all recognize that the true change begins with our hard work, our efforts to reach out to others, and our faith in each other, not a politician no matter what color. And, so it has always been. That many black Americans are just now opening their eyes to limitless horizons is shocking. Haven’t we seen this moment coming with the appointment of Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Quincy Jones, Condoleeza Rice, Kenneth Chenault (Chairman of American Express) Oprah Winfrey? We have had many symbols of what is possible for two decades now. Should we all be asking if not me, who then? This is what Obama, Oprah, Quincy Jones, and Condoleeza Rice asked before they where OBAMA, OPRAH, and the Quincy Jones.
But, will the Obama family image changed completely the communal dynamic of black families and the black community? This remains to be seen and I must say I am a skeptic.
The point is this: those who have always veered toward and expected success for themselves and their communities will continue to fulfill that high purpose – perhaps with Obama in mind. Unfortunately, and I do hope this is not the case, I fear that the afterglow of Obama being elected will wear off when people who have always found an excuse will simply come up with a different one.
Pregnant Man: An American Disgrace
(Originally Posted 11/19/2008)
ABC News hit an all-time low when they allowed and broadcasts Oprah’s and Barbara Walters interviews of Thomas Beatty a transgender man who has carried and given birth to a baby. To add insult to injury, the title of Barbara Walters broadcast? “What is a Man, What is a Woman? The images of this woman who has assumed the identity and looks of a male (minus the penis) is downright sad for our country. Thomas Beatty and his wife, Nancy, of Oregon claims that he has always identified as a male and is no less the child’s father even though he has all sexual and reproductive organs of a female. On top of this he and his wife (who is a lesbian) insist this is a “normal” family like any other. Many Americans I am sure beg to differ, but, how many of us are speaking out against the publicity and the normalization of these and stories like his? What makes it most abnormal is the fact that The Beattie’s chose to involve a child in their twisted and deviant lifestyle. This is not normal. To involve a child and force a child to live with the deviance of these choices and the abnormalities of their sex and gender is abusive and irresponsible.
As a society where is the outrage when we see children brought into the world to suffer this way. Of course, adults have the right to alter themselves to their own detriment and consequences, but, shouldn’t children be protected from this sort of forced gender-confusion indoctrination. On the upside, nine doctors denied the Beattie’s request to artificially inseminate him/her. Well, at least there is some hope.
ABC News hit an all-time low when they allowed and broadcasts Oprah’s and Barbara Walters interviews of Thomas Beatty a transgender man who has carried and given birth to a baby. To add insult to injury, the title of Barbara Walters broadcast? “What is a Man, What is a Woman? The images of this woman who has assumed the identity and looks of a male (minus the penis) is downright sad for our country. Thomas Beatty and his wife, Nancy, of Oregon claims that he has always identified as a male and is no less the child’s father even though he has all sexual and reproductive organs of a female. On top of this he and his wife (who is a lesbian) insist this is a “normal” family like any other. Many Americans I am sure beg to differ, but, how many of us are speaking out against the publicity and the normalization of these and stories like his? What makes it most abnormal is the fact that The Beattie’s chose to involve a child in their twisted and deviant lifestyle. This is not normal. To involve a child and force a child to live with the deviance of these choices and the abnormalities of their sex and gender is abusive and irresponsible.
As a society where is the outrage when we see children brought into the world to suffer this way. Of course, adults have the right to alter themselves to their own detriment and consequences, but, shouldn’t children be protected from this sort of forced gender-confusion indoctrination. On the upside, nine doctors denied the Beattie’s request to artificially inseminate him/her. Well, at least there is some hope.
Palin Pays Off
(Originally Posted 9/12/2008)
Republicans should be on their knees thanking the heavens for Sarah Palin and applauding John McCain for having the good sense to choose her as his running mate. Having the courage to do what Barack Obama didn’t in picking Hillary as his VP candidate, McCain has surged ahead in the polls and has transformed the context of this Presidential campaign.
What makes Palin so great?
1. She is strong but not angry
2. She is smart but not an elitist Ivy League operative
3. She is courageous – bringing into the world a special needs child and taking on the Republican establishment as a newcomer
4. She is bold – she is a straightalker and has finally given other Republicans the courage the speak up and challenge the old Democratic pundits and lies.
5. She has a close family – she appears to have a husband who loves her, a strong family, and community
6. She is religious during a time when religion seems old fashioned and out of vogue to mainstream
7. Finally, she is a conservative!!
Republicans should be on their knees thanking the heavens for Sarah Palin and applauding John McCain for having the good sense to choose her as his running mate. Having the courage to do what Barack Obama didn’t in picking Hillary as his VP candidate, McCain has surged ahead in the polls and has transformed the context of this Presidential campaign.
What makes Palin so great?
1. She is strong but not angry
2. She is smart but not an elitist Ivy League operative
3. She is courageous – bringing into the world a special needs child and taking on the Republican establishment as a newcomer
4. She is bold – she is a straightalker and has finally given other Republicans the courage the speak up and challenge the old Democratic pundits and lies.
5. She has a close family – she appears to have a husband who loves her, a strong family, and community
6. She is religious during a time when religion seems old fashioned and out of vogue to mainstream
7. Finally, she is a conservative!!
ACTION-JACKSON OBAMA and, oh, McCain too.
(Originally Posted 7/30/2008)
Obama’s campaign for President is as much Hollywood as it is how David Brooks of the New York Times describes it, Disney. Action-Jackson Obama clearly sees this campaign as such gleaming proudly upon hearing the term “rock star” attached to him and responding buoyantly to a thoughtful criticism of his tour abroad by David Brooks as “one bad review out of ten.” May as well be Will Smith promoting Hancock. Clearly Obama sees himself as sort of an actor of sorts willing to slip into whatever role suiting the moment. Whether at home or abroad, “now is our time” seems to be his show’s tagline: Barack Obama: “Now is our Time, “ on every news channel near you.
The only thing McCain can do at this point since he isn’t exciting or young enough to be on camera and lacks a theatrical tagline of his own is to play up to the nervous voters. Those nervous voters are people who still have questions about Michelle Obama, Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s Rezko scandals, and for goodness sakes, his plan for victory in Iraq. Hopefully, McCain and his staff know better than to sit by the phone for reporters to ask if they can follow him about. He has to run a grass-roots campaign directly to the people who will make the difference in this race: working class, rural white voters who can’t put their fingers on it, but just don’t get Barack Obama.
Obama’s campaign for President is as much Hollywood as it is how David Brooks of the New York Times describes it, Disney. Action-Jackson Obama clearly sees this campaign as such gleaming proudly upon hearing the term “rock star” attached to him and responding buoyantly to a thoughtful criticism of his tour abroad by David Brooks as “one bad review out of ten.” May as well be Will Smith promoting Hancock. Clearly Obama sees himself as sort of an actor of sorts willing to slip into whatever role suiting the moment. Whether at home or abroad, “now is our time” seems to be his show’s tagline: Barack Obama: “Now is our Time, “ on every news channel near you.
The only thing McCain can do at this point since he isn’t exciting or young enough to be on camera and lacks a theatrical tagline of his own is to play up to the nervous voters. Those nervous voters are people who still have questions about Michelle Obama, Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s Rezko scandals, and for goodness sakes, his plan for victory in Iraq. Hopefully, McCain and his staff know better than to sit by the phone for reporters to ask if they can follow him about. He has to run a grass-roots campaign directly to the people who will make the difference in this race: working class, rural white voters who can’t put their fingers on it, but just don’t get Barack Obama.
The New Yorker - Barack’s Frenemy.
(Originally Posted 7/17/2008)
Frenemy is one of those words that the young people use (I think) to describe someone who is a friend as well as an enemy. I figure if Michelle and Barack Obama are hip enough to fist pump, then this term best describes the situation with The New Yorker and their over the top racy cover of Michelle and Barack Obama. He’s a flag burning Muslim, she’s an Angela Davis radical, black power fist pump and all, ready to go to throw down with a machine gun.
Michelle and Barack Obama are bound to be upset by the July 21st New Yorker cover even though they are playing it cool, accepting it as satire. “Well, I know it was The New Yorker’s attempt at satire. I don’t think they were entirely successful with it. But you know what? It’s a cartoon, Larry, and that’s why we’ve got the First Amendment … You know, we’ve—one of the things when you’re running for president for almost two years is, you get a pretty thick skin. And, you know, I’ve seen and heard worse, said Obama to Larry King.
Say what you want Obama, but, I can say for sure that no woman, especially not a black woman, who takes pride in having a gorgeous mane of hair - like Michelle Obama obviously does - wants to see herself caricatured in a house dress with a nappy afro. Too bad they cannot call The New Yorker caricature out as a racist attempt at humor since The New Yorker is certifiably known as an all caps liberal publication.
Obama must really want the Office badly to back up his understanding sentiment with the First Amendment. Knowing that this cover puts into perfect context the fears of the white voters he desperately needs, Obama might rather have the liberal New Yorker magazine as an enemy rather than a friend.
Frenemy is one of those words that the young people use (I think) to describe someone who is a friend as well as an enemy. I figure if Michelle and Barack Obama are hip enough to fist pump, then this term best describes the situation with The New Yorker and their over the top racy cover of Michelle and Barack Obama. He’s a flag burning Muslim, she’s an Angela Davis radical, black power fist pump and all, ready to go to throw down with a machine gun.
Michelle and Barack Obama are bound to be upset by the July 21st New Yorker cover even though they are playing it cool, accepting it as satire. “Well, I know it was The New Yorker’s attempt at satire. I don’t think they were entirely successful with it. But you know what? It’s a cartoon, Larry, and that’s why we’ve got the First Amendment … You know, we’ve—one of the things when you’re running for president for almost two years is, you get a pretty thick skin. And, you know, I’ve seen and heard worse, said Obama to Larry King.
Say what you want Obama, but, I can say for sure that no woman, especially not a black woman, who takes pride in having a gorgeous mane of hair - like Michelle Obama obviously does - wants to see herself caricatured in a house dress with a nappy afro. Too bad they cannot call The New Yorker caricature out as a racist attempt at humor since The New Yorker is certifiably known as an all caps liberal publication.
Obama must really want the Office badly to back up his understanding sentiment with the First Amendment. Knowing that this cover puts into perfect context the fears of the white voters he desperately needs, Obama might rather have the liberal New Yorker magazine as an enemy rather than a friend.
Way to Be Tammy Lee
(Originally Posted 6/24/2008)
What would most moms do if they find out that a man they had seen talking to their 10 year-old daughter was a sex offender of the highest level? Most of us would panic and call the police. Some of us might completely wimp out and just tell our daughters to stay away from them. But 40-year old Tammy Lee Gibson did the right thing. She sent a message straight to the offender by way of a baseball bat putting him the hospital before his arrest. William Baldwin, a 7 foot 3, convicted sex offender made several mistakes that provoked this courageous and necessary response from Ms. Gibson.
First, he failed to register as a sex offender and notify his neighbors. Second, he talked to Ms. Gibson’s 10 year old daughter. Baldwin claims, “I am not like that anymore.” If this had any grain of truth and Baldwin was indeed reformed he should know that him alone and talking with a 10-year child is wrong and risky.
Ms. Gibson did everything right. “I was thinking he would never hurt any child again.” She had every parental responsibility to defend her daughter and her community against this sick man. Unfortunately, Ms. Gibson is in jail and awaiting bail. Like me several people are supportive of her actions and many have offered to help pay her bond. Though Detective Ed Troyer of the Sheriff’s Office disagrees. He reports to us that Gibson is “not a soccer mom in a minivan who lost her temper. She’s been in jail before.” And continues, “If everybody went out and beat up a sex offender, we’re going to have to stop doing notifications.” Whatever she drives, Mr. Troyer is beside the point. Whatever she has done in the past is not the point. The point is that when she took a bat to William Baldwin she was a hero. She had the courage to do what most of us should, but wouldn’t because we are the soccer moms in the minivans who are afraid to hurt someone’s feelings or we are afraid of how we might look. What Mr. Troyer should be thinking is that if everybody went out and beat up a sex offender, we might have a lot less sex offenders. This is the point. Home run and bravo to Ms. Gibson.
What would most moms do if they find out that a man they had seen talking to their 10 year-old daughter was a sex offender of the highest level? Most of us would panic and call the police. Some of us might completely wimp out and just tell our daughters to stay away from them. But 40-year old Tammy Lee Gibson did the right thing. She sent a message straight to the offender by way of a baseball bat putting him the hospital before his arrest. William Baldwin, a 7 foot 3, convicted sex offender made several mistakes that provoked this courageous and necessary response from Ms. Gibson.
First, he failed to register as a sex offender and notify his neighbors. Second, he talked to Ms. Gibson’s 10 year old daughter. Baldwin claims, “I am not like that anymore.” If this had any grain of truth and Baldwin was indeed reformed he should know that him alone and talking with a 10-year child is wrong and risky.
Ms. Gibson did everything right. “I was thinking he would never hurt any child again.” She had every parental responsibility to defend her daughter and her community against this sick man. Unfortunately, Ms. Gibson is in jail and awaiting bail. Like me several people are supportive of her actions and many have offered to help pay her bond. Though Detective Ed Troyer of the Sheriff’s Office disagrees. He reports to us that Gibson is “not a soccer mom in a minivan who lost her temper. She’s been in jail before.” And continues, “If everybody went out and beat up a sex offender, we’re going to have to stop doing notifications.” Whatever she drives, Mr. Troyer is beside the point. Whatever she has done in the past is not the point. The point is that when she took a bat to William Baldwin she was a hero. She had the courage to do what most of us should, but wouldn’t because we are the soccer moms in the minivans who are afraid to hurt someone’s feelings or we are afraid of how we might look. What Mr. Troyer should be thinking is that if everybody went out and beat up a sex offender, we might have a lot less sex offenders. This is the point. Home run and bravo to Ms. Gibson.
Barack’s Elite Black Condescension
(Originally Posted 6/17/2008)
It’s fine for Michelle Obama to stand on a national platform in an outfit that costs thousands of dollars and give Barack Obama, America’s first African-American true political candidate, a black power fist pump. Perhaps it was a strange need to appeal to a crossover audience – this time blacks – that led her to announce Barack Obama then victorious as an Illinois state Senator as her “baby’s daddy.” It is fine for Barack Obama to give a stern Sunday sermon on the perils of absent fathers in the black community drawing on his own hurt growing up without one. All of these motions of Michelle and Barack Obama to keep it real as they continue to be the picture of America’s black elite may seem fine, but, nothing about any of these gestures is founded in sincerity nor are they completely accurate. All of this is simply condescension in the highest.
The fact is Michelle Obama can casually use the term my baby’s daddy because her daughters actually have not only a father, but, a committed companion to their mother. When Michelle uses a rhetoric that is so completely toxic in the black community and uses it as a way to be cool, this is soft handed bigotry. Barack Obama is married to Michelle Obama and made a choice to have children with her and provide for his family. He is therefore a father, husband, and a provider. A baby’s daddy is none of these things and I suspect Michelle Obama knows this. To play this rhetoric as lighthearted when far too many women actually have several of their baby’s daddy in the black community is rude and insensitive. Few to none of these women will have a splinter of Michelle Obama’s opportunities in life. Let us please stop lying to these communities by making these sad and real tragedies they face seems cool and hip in sophisticated circles. Not to mention, at best un-presidential and at worst completely low-class. Should words such as these come out of the mouth of a potential first lady?
Perhaps Michelle’s use of such a derogatory and sexist term for women is the reason Barack Obama made a point to deliver a sermon in church last Sunday on absentee fathers in the black community. Maybe it was just Father’s Day. Maybe it was because he knows the black community so desperately needs high profile, professional figures to speak out on the accountability of parenthood. “Too many fathers are MIA, too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes, said Obama.” He continued, “They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And, the foundations of our families are weaker because of it.” Well said, Obama. Not to be so persnickety, but the foundation he never mentioned in this sermon is the one that that is most critical to taking responsibility: marriage. Without this exercise in the black community black women are right back where Michelle Obama left off in her introduction of Barack - stuck with a baby’s daddy.
It would be just fine for Michelle and Barack Obama to simply go on and be elite, proper, and Presidential. Go ahead you two, you’ve earned it. That is what Princeton and Harvard are for. People are expecting greatness from you. We expect folks like Barack and Michelle Obama to be above certain gangster and welfare vernacular unfit for public consumption. We don’t want their halfhearted sermons on fathers simply being there. The public wants for their children what they have. The good sense to get a good education and marry the mother and father of your children and create a family with options. People want options that come from making good choices. Isn’t it a shame that all too often the elite who are in a higher place as a result of their choices choose not to divulge their path to the rest of the world, but, instead choose to “keep it real” hence condoning the poor choices that keep so many from making it off the ground.
It’s fine for Michelle Obama to stand on a national platform in an outfit that costs thousands of dollars and give Barack Obama, America’s first African-American true political candidate, a black power fist pump. Perhaps it was a strange need to appeal to a crossover audience – this time blacks – that led her to announce Barack Obama then victorious as an Illinois state Senator as her “baby’s daddy.” It is fine for Barack Obama to give a stern Sunday sermon on the perils of absent fathers in the black community drawing on his own hurt growing up without one. All of these motions of Michelle and Barack Obama to keep it real as they continue to be the picture of America’s black elite may seem fine, but, nothing about any of these gestures is founded in sincerity nor are they completely accurate. All of this is simply condescension in the highest.
The fact is Michelle Obama can casually use the term my baby’s daddy because her daughters actually have not only a father, but, a committed companion to their mother. When Michelle uses a rhetoric that is so completely toxic in the black community and uses it as a way to be cool, this is soft handed bigotry. Barack Obama is married to Michelle Obama and made a choice to have children with her and provide for his family. He is therefore a father, husband, and a provider. A baby’s daddy is none of these things and I suspect Michelle Obama knows this. To play this rhetoric as lighthearted when far too many women actually have several of their baby’s daddy in the black community is rude and insensitive. Few to none of these women will have a splinter of Michelle Obama’s opportunities in life. Let us please stop lying to these communities by making these sad and real tragedies they face seems cool and hip in sophisticated circles. Not to mention, at best un-presidential and at worst completely low-class. Should words such as these come out of the mouth of a potential first lady?
Perhaps Michelle’s use of such a derogatory and sexist term for women is the reason Barack Obama made a point to deliver a sermon in church last Sunday on absentee fathers in the black community. Maybe it was just Father’s Day. Maybe it was because he knows the black community so desperately needs high profile, professional figures to speak out on the accountability of parenthood. “Too many fathers are MIA, too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes, said Obama.” He continued, “They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And, the foundations of our families are weaker because of it.” Well said, Obama. Not to be so persnickety, but the foundation he never mentioned in this sermon is the one that that is most critical to taking responsibility: marriage. Without this exercise in the black community black women are right back where Michelle Obama left off in her introduction of Barack - stuck with a baby’s daddy.
It would be just fine for Michelle and Barack Obama to simply go on and be elite, proper, and Presidential. Go ahead you two, you’ve earned it. That is what Princeton and Harvard are for. People are expecting greatness from you. We expect folks like Barack and Michelle Obama to be above certain gangster and welfare vernacular unfit for public consumption. We don’t want their halfhearted sermons on fathers simply being there. The public wants for their children what they have. The good sense to get a good education and marry the mother and father of your children and create a family with options. People want options that come from making good choices. Isn’t it a shame that all too often the elite who are in a higher place as a result of their choices choose not to divulge their path to the rest of the world, but, instead choose to “keep it real” hence condoning the poor choices that keep so many from making it off the ground.
Obama Denounces but Still Has the Wrong Recipe
(Originally Posted 5/1/2008)
Try Cooking Black Guilt
A few weeks ago during the Pennsylvania primary Barack Obama asked the WWE if they could “smell what Barack is cookin?” So Barack Obama is angry at Jeremiah Wrights’ “destructive” comments. Obama does not agree with his pastor of 20 years is finally offended because his comments don’t reflect HIS “values and beliefs.” Does anyone smell what Obama’s cooking? Only now that Mr. Wright is showing “disrespect” to Barack Obama and his campaign is Obama angry. Not until Obama is personally offended is he angry enough to come out and renounce his minister. Well, it is a day late and a dollar short as Terry McMillan’s books suggests.
Again, Obama has made Mr. Wright’s comments all about him. Jeremiah Wright’s comments aren’t just offensive to Obama but they are disrespectful to America and her people. As someone who is campaigning to be the leader of the American people, Obama certainly doesn’t think much about us. Obama would have been well served to make this condemning speech of Mr. Wright when American people were disturbed by his first tongue lashing of hate and racism. Obama’s anger should have been directing at Wright for offending and disrespecting us as citizens and as a country.
Where was Obama then? He was making amends for Mr. Wright, excusing him on the basis of archaic anecdotes of racism. Obama was denouncing the white part of him (on his grandmother’s side) as typically racist. Obama was playing on the guilt of the whites who support him in justifying that someone like Mr. Wright deserves a platform and voice in America to indoctrinate hate and division of race. Why? Well, because according to those like Obama and his minister we need it. According to Obama at the time, we all deserve it as part of our history.
How can a group of people be so certain that racism still plagues us? Because they are the ones spreading it.
Should Obama want us to believe his words hold a grain of salt, he should start cooking up the truth. And, the truth is that he has always known that this minister was divisive and morally bent. He should confess that for 20 years he held his breath or perhaps thought these tirades and performances were entertaining and clever. He should admit as some blacks are doing that he saw nothing wrong with this childish and foolish stomping about that demeaned and disrespected whites and all Americans. Obama should force a core truth with the American people on race. And, this truth is that in order to abolish the threat of racism perceived by those who say they experience it (because I for one couldn’t give two cents about it) they themselves must stop promoting it against other races of people. More than this, they must continually protect themselves from it in their very own communities against those they feel are racist against them. Blacks have a responsibility in curing racism. Blacks must defend whites against racism. That is to stop defending the black racist and put him his place. How about a little black guilt in the pot tonight, Obama?
Try Cooking Black Guilt
A few weeks ago during the Pennsylvania primary Barack Obama asked the WWE if they could “smell what Barack is cookin?” So Barack Obama is angry at Jeremiah Wrights’ “destructive” comments. Obama does not agree with his pastor of 20 years is finally offended because his comments don’t reflect HIS “values and beliefs.” Does anyone smell what Obama’s cooking? Only now that Mr. Wright is showing “disrespect” to Barack Obama and his campaign is Obama angry. Not until Obama is personally offended is he angry enough to come out and renounce his minister. Well, it is a day late and a dollar short as Terry McMillan’s books suggests.
Again, Obama has made Mr. Wright’s comments all about him. Jeremiah Wright’s comments aren’t just offensive to Obama but they are disrespectful to America and her people. As someone who is campaigning to be the leader of the American people, Obama certainly doesn’t think much about us. Obama would have been well served to make this condemning speech of Mr. Wright when American people were disturbed by his first tongue lashing of hate and racism. Obama’s anger should have been directing at Wright for offending and disrespecting us as citizens and as a country.
Where was Obama then? He was making amends for Mr. Wright, excusing him on the basis of archaic anecdotes of racism. Obama was denouncing the white part of him (on his grandmother’s side) as typically racist. Obama was playing on the guilt of the whites who support him in justifying that someone like Mr. Wright deserves a platform and voice in America to indoctrinate hate and division of race. Why? Well, because according to those like Obama and his minister we need it. According to Obama at the time, we all deserve it as part of our history.
How can a group of people be so certain that racism still plagues us? Because they are the ones spreading it.
Should Obama want us to believe his words hold a grain of salt, he should start cooking up the truth. And, the truth is that he has always known that this minister was divisive and morally bent. He should confess that for 20 years he held his breath or perhaps thought these tirades and performances were entertaining and clever. He should admit as some blacks are doing that he saw nothing wrong with this childish and foolish stomping about that demeaned and disrespected whites and all Americans. Obama should force a core truth with the American people on race. And, this truth is that in order to abolish the threat of racism perceived by those who say they experience it (because I for one couldn’t give two cents about it) they themselves must stop promoting it against other races of people. More than this, they must continually protect themselves from it in their very own communities against those they feel are racist against them. Blacks have a responsibility in curing racism. Blacks must defend whites against racism. That is to stop defending the black racist and put him his place. How about a little black guilt in the pot tonight, Obama?
Losing Our Religion
(Originally Posted 4/15/2008)
Barack Obama’s view of America has nothing to do with hope. In fact, his view and characterization of America and her people is grim and full of pessimism unless all one hopes for is him. When Obama decided to think out loud at a San Francisco fundraiser last week, he unveiled yet another layer of his anti-American sentiment – this time in his own words. Describing middle class and working Americans in Pennsylvania as “bitter” and clinging to their guns and religion, Obama revealed a lack of respect for middle class America and the American value system.
What is wrong with clinging to religion? Nothing as long as one’s religion is Barack Obama. As the clock nears twelve, this Cinderella candidate sees that his time is running out. And with each reaching hour, his beauty fades. The more we hear from those closest to Obama and now of him, his message of hope and unity has turned out to be nothing more than a hoax and a scam. When Obama’s wife revealed her discontent for America until recently, the media scrambled awkwardly to make concessions toward her unpatriotic attitude. When Obama’s minister and beloved confidant was caught on tape prescribing hate towards America to his congregation, Obama gave a speech that at once condemned and condoned anti-American sentiment based on race. Obama guilted the media and most of the country into giving hate a pass. Now, that Obama has been caught with his own bitter and condescending statements that demean America, yet again he works hard to shift the blame and responsibility elsewhere. This time Obama will not be so lucky. Fool us once shame on us, fool us three times shame on America.
Fortunately, our country does cling to religion and must continue to do so with so many forces so desperately trying to separate us from it. Only the most power hungry and arrogant of leaders what to be everything to all people. It is not enough for Obama to be our President, but, he wants to be our religion as well. The more we learn it seems that in order for Barack Obama to lead us, we would have to lose our religion in exchange for him. No thanks!
Barack Obama’s view of America has nothing to do with hope. In fact, his view and characterization of America and her people is grim and full of pessimism unless all one hopes for is him. When Obama decided to think out loud at a San Francisco fundraiser last week, he unveiled yet another layer of his anti-American sentiment – this time in his own words. Describing middle class and working Americans in Pennsylvania as “bitter” and clinging to their guns and religion, Obama revealed a lack of respect for middle class America and the American value system.
What is wrong with clinging to religion? Nothing as long as one’s religion is Barack Obama. As the clock nears twelve, this Cinderella candidate sees that his time is running out. And with each reaching hour, his beauty fades. The more we hear from those closest to Obama and now of him, his message of hope and unity has turned out to be nothing more than a hoax and a scam. When Obama’s wife revealed her discontent for America until recently, the media scrambled awkwardly to make concessions toward her unpatriotic attitude. When Obama’s minister and beloved confidant was caught on tape prescribing hate towards America to his congregation, Obama gave a speech that at once condemned and condoned anti-American sentiment based on race. Obama guilted the media and most of the country into giving hate a pass. Now, that Obama has been caught with his own bitter and condescending statements that demean America, yet again he works hard to shift the blame and responsibility elsewhere. This time Obama will not be so lucky. Fool us once shame on us, fool us three times shame on America.
Fortunately, our country does cling to religion and must continue to do so with so many forces so desperately trying to separate us from it. Only the most power hungry and arrogant of leaders what to be everything to all people. It is not enough for Obama to be our President, but, he wants to be our religion as well. The more we learn it seems that in order for Barack Obama to lead us, we would have to lose our religion in exchange for him. No thanks!
4 For Obama
(Originally Posted 2/12/2008)
2 Reasons Why I Love Obama And 2 Reasons Why He Can’t Have My Vote.
Obama is good. He is very good. There isn’t a thing to dislike about him personally. Professionally he and I differ on what are right and best and moral for America. Yes, he has the Kennedy aura and appeal. He has the young and optimistic energy of John and Robert Kennedy. But until he tells the American people what they can do for themselves and their country and not what the country should be doing for them or what the country is doing to them, he hardly deserves this Kennedy coronation. (Sorry Caroline.)
He is the kind of person with whom you can disagree emphatically yet still yearn to keep the conversation going. This is no doubt the kinetic energy he is generating across racial and economic lines. I too am drawn to his easy manner of action. His charisma that sparks a motivation to change and be part of something larger than oneself is infectious. I can see how his call to action has mobilized young people into action, ready for a change.
Obama is like Reagan in that those who disagree with his political philosophy still admire him personally. Their genuine nature in their beliefs is catching in red and blue states. Not since Ronald Reagan has a politician been so controversial in his party, but, so well respected and liked by voters in both. In spite of themselves, even Democrats admire Reagan. The reasons I hold him in high regard:
Integrity - However misguided his health care proposals and tax hikes are, one has the reaction that Obama’s liberal views have integrity while other candidates’ like positions ring of self-righteous indignation full of pompous political reaching. He has an air of dignity and empathy in his beliefs that resonates. He is well intentioned, just wrong. I’ve been bitten by his sophisticated yet down to earth ways of connecting to all Americans.
Color blindedness - I hardly ever qualify any statement under the umbrella of “as a black woman” but some circumstances might justify this categorization. Obama is the first black, chief politician of my generation and time to stand on character and ideology alone. Though many have tried to pin the “kick me I’m black” post-it on his back, he has been alert, dignified, and resolute against the race card. He has miraculously quieted Jackson’s and Sharpton’s racial rhetoric that began early in the race. He has answered his liberal and racially bound critics like Cornel West not by public dispute but by quiet discourse and intimate discussion. Those who were before leery of him are now working toward his election. Putting race in the background of the first black President of the United States is no easy task. What a relief and an honor to see another black person who believes in standing on character alone – refusing the issue of race before it even knocks on the door – disinviting division and the guttural elements of racial rhetoric. He has been able to prove what many of us have been feeling and dreaming to happen so long. That the discussion of race and performance is tired and Americans are ready to move on. Yes, we can move past race even at the Presidential level.
Though he and his wife are on my short list of “who would you most like to invite to dinner living or dead if you could,” still, I cannot in good conscious vote for him. While Obama is not my personal enemy, he is the enemy of cherished rights and values I hold dear.
Personal liberty and freedom - No matter how much I adore Obama I cannot sacrifice my personal liberty and freedom. I do not want to abandon my right to bear arms and defend my family. I want personal choice and responsibility over my health care coverage. I want to bring back the responsibility of the individual for their fate in life. I want me and other Americans to have competition in the market place through choice. I do not long for a government to attempt to solve my problems only to make them worse faster. I want my government to say, “Yes, YOU can.”
Robin Hood Politics - I do not believe it is right to take from those who have more and say to them that they deserve less of their money because someone else has less. He is the friendly enemy of the middle class, not only the super rich. His vision of the economy is to even out the wealth by thieving from those who have worked hard, sacrificed, saved for a rainy day.
Yes, Obama for me is like that beautiful pair of spiked heels that are gorgeous to behold but unwise for the feet. I often ask, “Why isn’t it possible to make gorgeous shoes comfortable?” It’s too bad you can’t always get exactly what you want. Still, I dare say I find myself thinking an Obama running for President might be exactly what this country needs.
2 Reasons Why I Love Obama And 2 Reasons Why He Can’t Have My Vote.
Obama is good. He is very good. There isn’t a thing to dislike about him personally. Professionally he and I differ on what are right and best and moral for America. Yes, he has the Kennedy aura and appeal. He has the young and optimistic energy of John and Robert Kennedy. But until he tells the American people what they can do for themselves and their country and not what the country should be doing for them or what the country is doing to them, he hardly deserves this Kennedy coronation. (Sorry Caroline.)
He is the kind of person with whom you can disagree emphatically yet still yearn to keep the conversation going. This is no doubt the kinetic energy he is generating across racial and economic lines. I too am drawn to his easy manner of action. His charisma that sparks a motivation to change and be part of something larger than oneself is infectious. I can see how his call to action has mobilized young people into action, ready for a change.
Obama is like Reagan in that those who disagree with his political philosophy still admire him personally. Their genuine nature in their beliefs is catching in red and blue states. Not since Ronald Reagan has a politician been so controversial in his party, but, so well respected and liked by voters in both. In spite of themselves, even Democrats admire Reagan. The reasons I hold him in high regard:
Integrity - However misguided his health care proposals and tax hikes are, one has the reaction that Obama’s liberal views have integrity while other candidates’ like positions ring of self-righteous indignation full of pompous political reaching. He has an air of dignity and empathy in his beliefs that resonates. He is well intentioned, just wrong. I’ve been bitten by his sophisticated yet down to earth ways of connecting to all Americans.
Color blindedness - I hardly ever qualify any statement under the umbrella of “as a black woman” but some circumstances might justify this categorization. Obama is the first black, chief politician of my generation and time to stand on character and ideology alone. Though many have tried to pin the “kick me I’m black” post-it on his back, he has been alert, dignified, and resolute against the race card. He has miraculously quieted Jackson’s and Sharpton’s racial rhetoric that began early in the race. He has answered his liberal and racially bound critics like Cornel West not by public dispute but by quiet discourse and intimate discussion. Those who were before leery of him are now working toward his election. Putting race in the background of the first black President of the United States is no easy task. What a relief and an honor to see another black person who believes in standing on character alone – refusing the issue of race before it even knocks on the door – disinviting division and the guttural elements of racial rhetoric. He has been able to prove what many of us have been feeling and dreaming to happen so long. That the discussion of race and performance is tired and Americans are ready to move on. Yes, we can move past race even at the Presidential level.
Though he and his wife are on my short list of “who would you most like to invite to dinner living or dead if you could,” still, I cannot in good conscious vote for him. While Obama is not my personal enemy, he is the enemy of cherished rights and values I hold dear.
Personal liberty and freedom - No matter how much I adore Obama I cannot sacrifice my personal liberty and freedom. I do not want to abandon my right to bear arms and defend my family. I want personal choice and responsibility over my health care coverage. I want to bring back the responsibility of the individual for their fate in life. I want me and other Americans to have competition in the market place through choice. I do not long for a government to attempt to solve my problems only to make them worse faster. I want my government to say, “Yes, YOU can.”
Robin Hood Politics - I do not believe it is right to take from those who have more and say to them that they deserve less of their money because someone else has less. He is the friendly enemy of the middle class, not only the super rich. His vision of the economy is to even out the wealth by thieving from those who have worked hard, sacrificed, saved for a rainy day.
Yes, Obama for me is like that beautiful pair of spiked heels that are gorgeous to behold but unwise for the feet. I often ask, “Why isn’t it possible to make gorgeous shoes comfortable?” It’s too bad you can’t always get exactly what you want. Still, I dare say I find myself thinking an Obama running for President might be exactly what this country needs.
Mom Hopes to Augment Teenage Daughter’s Self Esteem but decides to Augment Breasts Instead
(Originally Posted 2/24/2008)
Ask a mother if she’d ever want her daughter to be a stripper and she would probably say no. Ask a mother if she wants her daughter to alter her body to suit a male’s sexual appetite for large breasts and smaller hips and most would say no. Ask a mother if they want their daughter to be gorgeous on the outside no matter what demons rage on the inside and many will say no. Generally all parents what the best or what is best for their children. Just ask them. Too bad some parents have no clue what that is. One such parent is Debi Helton, who allowed her 17 year-old daughter to “decide” to have breast augmentation because “she was so insecure with her body and I didn't want that for her.”
Well, what exactly does Ms. Helton “want” or expect that her daughter will get? I doubt it will be better grades, or, a motivation towards community service, or a setting of higher goals for her life. She will not even be happier in the long term, nor, will this young woman have accomplished a thing to earn higher confidence. So why is it that we work directly in opposition to what we proclaim to want? Answer: It is because we only want from others and don’t expect from ourselves.
I dare say that it is not this young woman’s breast or extra weight that was making her insecure. Rather, it was that she has been permitted by her mother to spend too much time thinking of who she is from the outside in. This is a danger in our society in all of us surgery or not. Instead of expecting others to note our goodness from our behavior, we want others to see that we look good. Instead of a expecting a man to be charmed by our intelligence and wit, we want him to acknowledge our bodies as more desirable than the next eye candy. We desire to be seen as something special hoping this will carry us so that we needn’t put in the effort to become it.
The trouble is that we usually want both desserts – we want to look as if and know that we are special. Still only looking the part leaves us empty still and even more insecure in the long run when we know that there is no there here.
If it is security a young woman is after, why not work toward an accomplishment in school, compete in sports, be active in the community, or take advanced calculus? It is only when one puts in the effort towards a meaningful purpose does one’s security and self esteem sink into their bones. When we put in time perfecting our character and consciousness towards good will and respect for ourselves and others, we weave a web so tight that it cannot be unbound by the winds of insecurity.
After all, a young woman must learn that happiness with her beauty and features is constantly in flux. A woman feels great about her strong shoulders one week, and, the next that these same gorgeous shoulders make her feel as though she look likes a linebacker. Our outside is rarely perfect in our eyes.
Could it be that a young woman in search of her power and purpose as a blossoming adult might be searching for common sense and guidance in the woman who she trusts to have her best interests at heart? Ms. Helton mentioned that she didn’t want insecurity for her daughter, but, I cannot think of a faster way to serve it up than to agree that her body has a “figure fault”, and yes, she should undergo risky and costly surgeries to perfect it.
Ask most people where true beauty is and we pay lip service to the old adage that beauty comes from within. Too bad most of us don’t abide this or, at least pass it on to our kids.
Ask a mother if she’d ever want her daughter to be a stripper and she would probably say no. Ask a mother if she wants her daughter to alter her body to suit a male’s sexual appetite for large breasts and smaller hips and most would say no. Ask a mother if they want their daughter to be gorgeous on the outside no matter what demons rage on the inside and many will say no. Generally all parents what the best or what is best for their children. Just ask them. Too bad some parents have no clue what that is. One such parent is Debi Helton, who allowed her 17 year-old daughter to “decide” to have breast augmentation because “she was so insecure with her body and I didn't want that for her.”
Well, what exactly does Ms. Helton “want” or expect that her daughter will get? I doubt it will be better grades, or, a motivation towards community service, or a setting of higher goals for her life. She will not even be happier in the long term, nor, will this young woman have accomplished a thing to earn higher confidence. So why is it that we work directly in opposition to what we proclaim to want? Answer: It is because we only want from others and don’t expect from ourselves.
I dare say that it is not this young woman’s breast or extra weight that was making her insecure. Rather, it was that she has been permitted by her mother to spend too much time thinking of who she is from the outside in. This is a danger in our society in all of us surgery or not. Instead of expecting others to note our goodness from our behavior, we want others to see that we look good. Instead of a expecting a man to be charmed by our intelligence and wit, we want him to acknowledge our bodies as more desirable than the next eye candy. We desire to be seen as something special hoping this will carry us so that we needn’t put in the effort to become it.
The trouble is that we usually want both desserts – we want to look as if and know that we are special. Still only looking the part leaves us empty still and even more insecure in the long run when we know that there is no there here.
If it is security a young woman is after, why not work toward an accomplishment in school, compete in sports, be active in the community, or take advanced calculus? It is only when one puts in the effort towards a meaningful purpose does one’s security and self esteem sink into their bones. When we put in time perfecting our character and consciousness towards good will and respect for ourselves and others, we weave a web so tight that it cannot be unbound by the winds of insecurity.
After all, a young woman must learn that happiness with her beauty and features is constantly in flux. A woman feels great about her strong shoulders one week, and, the next that these same gorgeous shoulders make her feel as though she look likes a linebacker. Our outside is rarely perfect in our eyes.
Could it be that a young woman in search of her power and purpose as a blossoming adult might be searching for common sense and guidance in the woman who she trusts to have her best interests at heart? Ms. Helton mentioned that she didn’t want insecurity for her daughter, but, I cannot think of a faster way to serve it up than to agree that her body has a “figure fault”, and yes, she should undergo risky and costly surgeries to perfect it.
Ask most people where true beauty is and we pay lip service to the old adage that beauty comes from within. Too bad most of us don’t abide this or, at least pass it on to our kids.
(Originally Posted 1/15/2008)
Beginning September 2009 young men and women in Texas high school health class will be learning about parenting: how to establish paternity, what it takes to be a parent, and finally, love, marriage and a baby carriage. What these new classes will not do is condemn early parenthood or teenage sex. These classes will not warn young girls and boys of the hardship and lifelong burden that having a child brings. They are not taught that having a child as a child, for women especially, will likely put them into second or third class society and lead to a life of poverty recycled and regenerated for years to come. No, these classes will only focus on the facts of pregnancy and parenthood hoping to provide “activities where the teenagers can learn about themselves.”
Women are in crisis and in denial. No doubt this generation has the largest feminist presence this country has ever seen with female athletics surging onto the scene of once before male dominated sports and earnings on par with men. Examples of this abound in tennis, golf, and basketball, business and politics. Annika Sorenson in Golf, Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams in tennis. Women like Meg Whitman of Ebay are running fortune 500 countries. Hillary Clinton is running in equal consideration with men for President of the United States of America. Housewives are not desperate but running their families, serving on boards in their communities and making a difference in our world. This is worth learning.
It’s no secret that pregnancy becomes the full burden of the female and her family for the larger course of her life so why are we continually pushing women to consider that teenage sex and pregnancy can be normal and okay as long as you know what to expect. Why are we informing them about what to expect as a young unwed parent instead of warning them of all the hazards and hardships that will come their way. Why aren’t we imposing an expectation of self-control and an interest in something more meaningful in their future than their boyfriend’s penis? Why not share with them the evolving roles of women and the what the best picture of motherhood is? That is a woman with options.
What they can discern about themselves and learn about these successful women is the one thing that all these successful women - the top female athletes, politicians, CEO’s, and stay at home moms with the cushy Escalade and nice shoes do not have: an illegitimate child from a high-school boyfriend, that’s what.
Beginning September 2009 young men and women in Texas high school health class will be learning about parenting: how to establish paternity, what it takes to be a parent, and finally, love, marriage and a baby carriage. What these new classes will not do is condemn early parenthood or teenage sex. These classes will not warn young girls and boys of the hardship and lifelong burden that having a child brings. They are not taught that having a child as a child, for women especially, will likely put them into second or third class society and lead to a life of poverty recycled and regenerated for years to come. No, these classes will only focus on the facts of pregnancy and parenthood hoping to provide “activities where the teenagers can learn about themselves.”
Women are in crisis and in denial. No doubt this generation has the largest feminist presence this country has ever seen with female athletics surging onto the scene of once before male dominated sports and earnings on par with men. Examples of this abound in tennis, golf, and basketball, business and politics. Annika Sorenson in Golf, Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams in tennis. Women like Meg Whitman of Ebay are running fortune 500 countries. Hillary Clinton is running in equal consideration with men for President of the United States of America. Housewives are not desperate but running their families, serving on boards in their communities and making a difference in our world. This is worth learning.
It’s no secret that pregnancy becomes the full burden of the female and her family for the larger course of her life so why are we continually pushing women to consider that teenage sex and pregnancy can be normal and okay as long as you know what to expect. Why are we informing them about what to expect as a young unwed parent instead of warning them of all the hazards and hardships that will come their way. Why aren’t we imposing an expectation of self-control and an interest in something more meaningful in their future than their boyfriend’s penis? Why not share with them the evolving roles of women and the what the best picture of motherhood is? That is a woman with options.
What they can discern about themselves and learn about these successful women is the one thing that all these successful women - the top female athletes, politicians, CEO’s, and stay at home moms with the cushy Escalade and nice shoes do not have: an illegitimate child from a high-school boyfriend, that’s what.
Westlake Restaurant Wish list
(Originally Posted 12/11/2007)
Do all the hip, cool, and casual restaurants in Austin think they are too chic for Westlake? Don’t we deserve access to the best local eateries in town? I was provoked to this level of envy after eating at Blue Star restaurant on Burnet Road this Sunday. It was sooo good. It reminded me of the meal I ate a few weekends ago at the South Congress café, and another one I had at Jo’s and Enoteca, and then I thought, “wait a minute. Why can’t I eat like this closer to home? We are starving out West people. Can’t you help us out? Face it; we in Westlake have been dissed in the dining department.
Most folks in Westlake can empathize. We simply cannot get or keep a good restaurant in this part of town. Though what really irks me is that some of the places I love most have never even considered moving west.
In case Santa or any of these restaurant owners cares, I humbly submit my Westlake restaurant wish list this Christmas.
1. Blue Star Cafeteria – Delicious brunch items (their eggs benedict are crispy on the bottom and velvety and silky on top.
2. Jo’s Coffee – I have to drive 20 minutes to get my iced Turbo fix.
3. South Congress Café – I would eat their snapper Po Boy for lunch once a week if I didn’t have to tread so far.
4. Einstein’s Bagels. It isn’t a local joint, but, where can I get a toasted bagel (with peanut butter) and a decent cup of coffee in the morning at 6am? Anyone? Anyone?
5. Kitchen Door or some type of serious bakery. Please!!!
6. East Side Pies – Might you consider a sister location called, hum, let me think – West Side Pies? Not to appear ungrateful, I would like to note the Westlake restaurants for which I am quite thankful.
7. Wildwood – a wonderful vegan, gluten free option amidst all the fast food on Bee Caves.
8. Hai KY -The new Vietnamese place that took over the Texas French Bread next to Westlake nails. I can hardly believe it’s true. Delicious pho just in time for Christmas and the cold weather.
9. Thistle Café – perfect for a quick lunch with friends, take out at home, and chocolate chip cookie binges. Yeah!!
10. The soon to be HEB with Café. Thanks for showing us the love HEB.
11. Last but not least - and I never thought I would be saying this but - Chili’s. It’s not local, but, I don’t know where I could show up with kids after such an exhausting week and get waited on with decent service, reasonable prices, and if nothing else a decent if not predictable meal.
But, as I think further on the subject, I realize the beauty in have these places outside of my Westlake bubble. In venturing out, I am able to fully take in Austin’s true beauty in its entirety. What I love most about this city is the change in scene and energy from one local to the next. The air has a unique feel everywhere you go. From Rosewood to campus, to Manor for soul food, and Downtown, to SoCo, and back home again. It’s all worth the trip.
Do all the hip, cool, and casual restaurants in Austin think they are too chic for Westlake? Don’t we deserve access to the best local eateries in town? I was provoked to this level of envy after eating at Blue Star restaurant on Burnet Road this Sunday. It was sooo good. It reminded me of the meal I ate a few weekends ago at the South Congress café, and another one I had at Jo’s and Enoteca, and then I thought, “wait a minute. Why can’t I eat like this closer to home? We are starving out West people. Can’t you help us out? Face it; we in Westlake have been dissed in the dining department.
Most folks in Westlake can empathize. We simply cannot get or keep a good restaurant in this part of town. Though what really irks me is that some of the places I love most have never even considered moving west.
In case Santa or any of these restaurant owners cares, I humbly submit my Westlake restaurant wish list this Christmas.
1. Blue Star Cafeteria – Delicious brunch items (their eggs benedict are crispy on the bottom and velvety and silky on top.
2. Jo’s Coffee – I have to drive 20 minutes to get my iced Turbo fix.
3. South Congress Café – I would eat their snapper Po Boy for lunch once a week if I didn’t have to tread so far.
4. Einstein’s Bagels. It isn’t a local joint, but, where can I get a toasted bagel (with peanut butter) and a decent cup of coffee in the morning at 6am? Anyone? Anyone?
5. Kitchen Door or some type of serious bakery. Please!!!
6. East Side Pies – Might you consider a sister location called, hum, let me think – West Side Pies? Not to appear ungrateful, I would like to note the Westlake restaurants for which I am quite thankful.
7. Wildwood – a wonderful vegan, gluten free option amidst all the fast food on Bee Caves.
8. Hai KY -The new Vietnamese place that took over the Texas French Bread next to Westlake nails. I can hardly believe it’s true. Delicious pho just in time for Christmas and the cold weather.
9. Thistle Café – perfect for a quick lunch with friends, take out at home, and chocolate chip cookie binges. Yeah!!
10. The soon to be HEB with Café. Thanks for showing us the love HEB.
11. Last but not least - and I never thought I would be saying this but - Chili’s. It’s not local, but, I don’t know where I could show up with kids after such an exhausting week and get waited on with decent service, reasonable prices, and if nothing else a decent if not predictable meal.
But, as I think further on the subject, I realize the beauty in have these places outside of my Westlake bubble. In venturing out, I am able to fully take in Austin’s true beauty in its entirety. What I love most about this city is the change in scene and energy from one local to the next. The air has a unique feel everywhere you go. From Rosewood to campus, to Manor for soul food, and Downtown, to SoCo, and back home again. It’s all worth the trip.
Where can a kid be a kid?
(Originally Posted 11/30/2007)
I didn't pay much attention when my son's playmate was getting an iPod for his sixth birthday. I laughed it off as silly parents, or, what I like to call money fatigue - that is when people are so bored with their money that they just decide to flush it down the toilet for fun. That was yesterday. Today, I read an article in the New York Times,
“For Toddlers, Toy of Choice is Tech Device” which informed me, oh women of dated toys that preschoolers and Kindergartners no longer play with toys. These young hands hold real cell phones, laptops, digital cameras, and yes iPods.
I don’t disregard the importance of technology and its usefulness for working adults, but, what possible reason could a child have for using (forget needing) an iPod or a cell phone? I am feeling a little slow here, so maybe you can comment and answer this for me, but, how do six year olds keep up with the latest bands? Can they even read reviews of who is hot and who is not? Should they download the live or recorded version of that great Men at Work song? Do they have a credit card with which to buy the songs from iTunes? And, this is a really dumb question, but here goes? When do they listen to the iPod? On their run?
Didn’t the tagline of Toys R Us used to be, “where a kid can be a kid?” All I’m saying is that technology should not replace the good old days of being a kid. Why are parents in such a hurry for their babies to be grown up? There will be plenty of time to ignore cell phone calls, answer emails, and download music when it matters. Warning: Here comes more dumb questions. Why can’t children play with their friends in person and use the home phone to arrange the playtime? Can’t children just sing along in the car with their parents? Sit and read a book, draw, do word finding puzzles. Can children make up pretend games of teacher, doctor, or store? These are some of the prized, though boring games of late that kept us going for hours when I was in grade school.
I’m just worried that learning to sit in front of a screen as entertainment and social interaction when one is 4 will make for a very socially awkward, uninteresting, and self-absorbed adult and therefore society. I mean if everyone is plugged in, how can we be reaching out and truly connecting? And, children posturing as adults while they think and behave like children can only grow up to be adults with the mind of a child. And, don’t we already have enough of this already?
I didn't pay much attention when my son's playmate was getting an iPod for his sixth birthday. I laughed it off as silly parents, or, what I like to call money fatigue - that is when people are so bored with their money that they just decide to flush it down the toilet for fun. That was yesterday. Today, I read an article in the New York Times,
“For Toddlers, Toy of Choice is Tech Device” which informed me, oh women of dated toys that preschoolers and Kindergartners no longer play with toys. These young hands hold real cell phones, laptops, digital cameras, and yes iPods.
I don’t disregard the importance of technology and its usefulness for working adults, but, what possible reason could a child have for using (forget needing) an iPod or a cell phone? I am feeling a little slow here, so maybe you can comment and answer this for me, but, how do six year olds keep up with the latest bands? Can they even read reviews of who is hot and who is not? Should they download the live or recorded version of that great Men at Work song? Do they have a credit card with which to buy the songs from iTunes? And, this is a really dumb question, but here goes? When do they listen to the iPod? On their run?
Didn’t the tagline of Toys R Us used to be, “where a kid can be a kid?” All I’m saying is that technology should not replace the good old days of being a kid. Why are parents in such a hurry for their babies to be grown up? There will be plenty of time to ignore cell phone calls, answer emails, and download music when it matters. Warning: Here comes more dumb questions. Why can’t children play with their friends in person and use the home phone to arrange the playtime? Can’t children just sing along in the car with their parents? Sit and read a book, draw, do word finding puzzles. Can children make up pretend games of teacher, doctor, or store? These are some of the prized, though boring games of late that kept us going for hours when I was in grade school.
I’m just worried that learning to sit in front of a screen as entertainment and social interaction when one is 4 will make for a very socially awkward, uninteresting, and self-absorbed adult and therefore society. I mean if everyone is plugged in, how can we be reaching out and truly connecting? And, children posturing as adults while they think and behave like children can only grow up to be adults with the mind of a child. And, don’t we already have enough of this already?
Putting the N Word in Its Proper Place
(Originaly Posted 11/2/2007)
I find everything about the Richland Hills curriculum in which the school board and their teachers decided to put the N word on a blackboard in the name of education obnoxious. Other words like “cancer”, “pregnant”, were other shock based words to be used in the Huckleberry Finn exercise. Excuse me, but cancer and pregnant are not the same loaded gun as n-----. And, if we are going to have a didactic exercise on sensitivity in literature and start the conversation of racial enlightenment, we must establish from the beginning that when there is racism and injustice, as a society, we suffer the injustice together no matter what happens to be our ethnic heritage.
To me the mistake is not in reading Huckleberry Finn or addressing the use of the N word in the text or in the time. Nor is it a mistake to use the word in an educational realm. The mistake this teacher made is identifying the word with the lone black student in the class by saying, “hurts doesn’t it?” Would anyone walk up to a cancer patient or a pregnant student and say, “hurts doesn’t it?”
The only way to truly take power out of that evil word is to stop identifying it with a race of people and to begin placing the identity where it squarely belongs: to all of us as part of our history. We all bare the ugly cross of that word in our history, not just black Americans. It should hurt all of us to remember a time when discrimination and degradation of a people were commonplace and where dignity and respect was not offered to a person because of the color of their skin. Placing the responsibility on black America for the word is unduly burdensome for a race that did not create the word (albeit who uses it most notably in rap lyrics). We must all remember that any derogatory word or phrase spoken says much more about the character whose mouth releases such ugliness more than the person to whom it is directed.
It would be tragic for student not to read books of that era and think critically on these sensitive issues. To take power out of a historically ugly word is not to use it as much as possible so that people warm to the idea that it is an ugly word is an average word like any other, but to identify correctly to whom it belongs. And, that is all of us.
I find everything about the Richland Hills curriculum in which the school board and their teachers decided to put the N word on a blackboard in the name of education obnoxious. Other words like “cancer”, “pregnant”, were other shock based words to be used in the Huckleberry Finn exercise. Excuse me, but cancer and pregnant are not the same loaded gun as n-----. And, if we are going to have a didactic exercise on sensitivity in literature and start the conversation of racial enlightenment, we must establish from the beginning that when there is racism and injustice, as a society, we suffer the injustice together no matter what happens to be our ethnic heritage.
To me the mistake is not in reading Huckleberry Finn or addressing the use of the N word in the text or in the time. Nor is it a mistake to use the word in an educational realm. The mistake this teacher made is identifying the word with the lone black student in the class by saying, “hurts doesn’t it?” Would anyone walk up to a cancer patient or a pregnant student and say, “hurts doesn’t it?”
The only way to truly take power out of that evil word is to stop identifying it with a race of people and to begin placing the identity where it squarely belongs: to all of us as part of our history. We all bare the ugly cross of that word in our history, not just black Americans. It should hurt all of us to remember a time when discrimination and degradation of a people were commonplace and where dignity and respect was not offered to a person because of the color of their skin. Placing the responsibility on black America for the word is unduly burdensome for a race that did not create the word (albeit who uses it most notably in rap lyrics). We must all remember that any derogatory word or phrase spoken says much more about the character whose mouth releases such ugliness more than the person to whom it is directed.
It would be tragic for student not to read books of that era and think critically on these sensitive issues. To take power out of a historically ugly word is not to use it as much as possible so that people warm to the idea that it is an ugly word is an average word like any other, but to identify correctly to whom it belongs. And, that is all of us.
(Originally Posted 10/22/2007)
Just because kids are in heat in those pubescent years of middle school doesn’t mean we should treat them like dogs in heat. Parents can be voices of reason and wisdom for their children and they will listen. But, thinking people with common sense no longer have clout in our communities, schools, or with their own children. Parents would rather destroy their children than put time in with their kids and put their foot down. Parents condone destructive behavior so long as the child insists on doing it anyway. Nowhere is this made clearer than in Portland, Maine where their school committee has voted 7 to 2 in favor of handing out birth control to their 13 year old middle school girls and boys. (NY Times Article)
One would think parental backlash would be titanic. One would be mistaken. “It’s a great idea,” says one mother. “Someone is finally advocating for these students to take care of themselves.” Since when is 13 and having sex on birth control being taken care of? It is our responsibility as parents to take care of our children. Children of that age are prone to unsound decisions. They lack the wisdom of experience. That’s why they have us, parents.
Would we pack a loaded gun in their backpacks for them to take care of themselves? How about prescription drugs so that they can medicate themselves? NO. This would be outrageous. And so too is the idea that kids at 12 and 13 years old can take care of themselves sexually simply because of contraceptives.
And, how can we be surprised that they want to have sex. Parents today allow them to be surrounded by sex everywhere. They are Juicied up in sexually suggestive clothing, allowed to zombie out in front of My Space where they chat about who knows what with whomever. We give our thirteen year olds credit cards, cell phones, no curfews, and now birth control and say, “viola, I’m a good parent; now go and take care of yourself.”
Like the parents who feel empowered by supervising underage drinking in their homes – discerning that kids will drink anyway - these sex supportive parents feel a false sense of protection by handing out contraception – since they will have sex anyway. (Some of these kids in middle school can’t even put their shoes on the right foot and we are supposed to believe that they can responsibly take contraception.)
Well, I am not relinquishing my parental control and authority without a fight and I urge you to do the same. I will say to my teen, “Go ahead a try to drink anyway. I’ll catch you, and make your life a living nightmare.” Just try and have sex without me catching you. And, if I find out about it, I’ll be your shadow.” “Why?” “Because I love you; I am here to protect you. I am here to make sure you know who you are, the great things you are capable of becoming. I am here to remind you of your greatness, your potential, your light. Your virginity is under my lock and key because even though you don’t know it right now, your body and soul are connected to your idea of yourself. Your self-worth is at stake. And one day you will want to share that special part of yourself with someone who is worth it. You will want it to be special because you are special. Your body is precious and you are too good to lay under some jerk behind a school gym for 3 minutes and be a piece of meat.” And, if some school board doesn’t believe that you are better than a condom or an oral contraceptive then that school doesn’t deserve you.” That is a child who is being taken care of.
Just because kids are in heat in those pubescent years of middle school doesn’t mean we should treat them like dogs in heat. Parents can be voices of reason and wisdom for their children and they will listen. But, thinking people with common sense no longer have clout in our communities, schools, or with their own children. Parents would rather destroy their children than put time in with their kids and put their foot down. Parents condone destructive behavior so long as the child insists on doing it anyway. Nowhere is this made clearer than in Portland, Maine where their school committee has voted 7 to 2 in favor of handing out birth control to their 13 year old middle school girls and boys. (NY Times Article)
One would think parental backlash would be titanic. One would be mistaken. “It’s a great idea,” says one mother. “Someone is finally advocating for these students to take care of themselves.” Since when is 13 and having sex on birth control being taken care of? It is our responsibility as parents to take care of our children. Children of that age are prone to unsound decisions. They lack the wisdom of experience. That’s why they have us, parents.
Would we pack a loaded gun in their backpacks for them to take care of themselves? How about prescription drugs so that they can medicate themselves? NO. This would be outrageous. And so too is the idea that kids at 12 and 13 years old can take care of themselves sexually simply because of contraceptives.
And, how can we be surprised that they want to have sex. Parents today allow them to be surrounded by sex everywhere. They are Juicied up in sexually suggestive clothing, allowed to zombie out in front of My Space where they chat about who knows what with whomever. We give our thirteen year olds credit cards, cell phones, no curfews, and now birth control and say, “viola, I’m a good parent; now go and take care of yourself.”
Like the parents who feel empowered by supervising underage drinking in their homes – discerning that kids will drink anyway - these sex supportive parents feel a false sense of protection by handing out contraception – since they will have sex anyway. (Some of these kids in middle school can’t even put their shoes on the right foot and we are supposed to believe that they can responsibly take contraception.)
Well, I am not relinquishing my parental control and authority without a fight and I urge you to do the same. I will say to my teen, “Go ahead a try to drink anyway. I’ll catch you, and make your life a living nightmare.” Just try and have sex without me catching you. And, if I find out about it, I’ll be your shadow.” “Why?” “Because I love you; I am here to protect you. I am here to make sure you know who you are, the great things you are capable of becoming. I am here to remind you of your greatness, your potential, your light. Your virginity is under my lock and key because even though you don’t know it right now, your body and soul are connected to your idea of yourself. Your self-worth is at stake. And one day you will want to share that special part of yourself with someone who is worth it. You will want it to be special because you are special. Your body is precious and you are too good to lay under some jerk behind a school gym for 3 minutes and be a piece of meat.” And, if some school board doesn’t believe that you are better than a condom or an oral contraceptive then that school doesn’t deserve you.” That is a child who is being taken care of.
Cheaters Never Win
(Originally Posted 10/10/2007)
As Marion Jones stood facing several cameras, face of an angel, body of steel, and tears flowing like water, to announce to the world that she was a cheat for winning Olympic medals with the use of steroids, I felt an immediate sense of respect. That she cheated and lied for personal glory, I find despicable. That she owned it fully and completely without blaming anyone but herself, I find noble and lacking in society today. We have seen the repeated and inexplicable denial of politicians and many other leaders when they’ve been caught red handed, hand in the cookie jar. We’ve also witnessed their public display of dismissive bravado when it comes to accepting responsibility for their misdeeds.
It takes a very strong person to fully admit and publicly apologize for one’s mistakes, or, moments when they’ve lost their character. Marion Jones could have easily fought on denying the charges claiming ignorance of what she’d been given. She could have carried out the investigation placing the blame on trainers and handlers, but she did not. Marion Jones, is much less a coward than say Senator Larry Craig who was also caught in deception but who chose to continue the cycle of word spinning and dishonesty. Mr. Craig tried to own up to his crime privately hoping no one would find out. When this backfired and he then decided to deny ownership of his wrong doing and place the blame on the system that caught him saying that he should not have actually admitted to wrong doing. No, come to think of it, I could have gotten away with this was instead his response. This amazing display of disregard for dignity, accountability and self respect is the norm. And, while cheaters never win, some lose with a lot more grace and dignity than others. Marion Jones can be proud of this authentic accomplishment at least.
As Marion Jones stood facing several cameras, face of an angel, body of steel, and tears flowing like water, to announce to the world that she was a cheat for winning Olympic medals with the use of steroids, I felt an immediate sense of respect. That she cheated and lied for personal glory, I find despicable. That she owned it fully and completely without blaming anyone but herself, I find noble and lacking in society today. We have seen the repeated and inexplicable denial of politicians and many other leaders when they’ve been caught red handed, hand in the cookie jar. We’ve also witnessed their public display of dismissive bravado when it comes to accepting responsibility for their misdeeds.
It takes a very strong person to fully admit and publicly apologize for one’s mistakes, or, moments when they’ve lost their character. Marion Jones could have easily fought on denying the charges claiming ignorance of what she’d been given. She could have carried out the investigation placing the blame on trainers and handlers, but she did not. Marion Jones, is much less a coward than say Senator Larry Craig who was also caught in deception but who chose to continue the cycle of word spinning and dishonesty. Mr. Craig tried to own up to his crime privately hoping no one would find out. When this backfired and he then decided to deny ownership of his wrong doing and place the blame on the system that caught him saying that he should not have actually admitted to wrong doing. No, come to think of it, I could have gotten away with this was instead his response. This amazing display of disregard for dignity, accountability and self respect is the norm. And, while cheaters never win, some lose with a lot more grace and dignity than others. Marion Jones can be proud of this authentic accomplishment at least.
Feeling Juicy?
(Originally Posted 10/10/2007)
Not when you’re in 8th grade you shouldn’t be
Is anyone really buying the argument from the mother of an eighth grade girl that she didn’t realize her daughter‘s (surely a developing daughter) Juicy shirt would be a distraction at school? And, she isn’t fooling me by pretending not to know the sexual innuendo behind the Juicy name. Unlike other expensive lines of clothing with logos for adults and children say, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren’s Polo, or Tommy Hilfiger, Juicy’s only logo is the word Juicy and it is most always smeared suggestively across the private area of the clothing. On jeans, Juicy would be spelled out across the rear end. On this eighth grader’s shirt, Juicy is spelled out in large letters across the breast area. If there is no sexual wordplay going on here why not place Juicy on the sleeve or collar of the shirt? Well, because juicy arms and necks aren’t all that attractive are they? I think we are on the same page.
And, is there any reason to spend $75 on a shirt for a child in 8th grade? I’m thinking that someone who gets a $75 shirt should have a job. I think we’ve come to an age where a certain amount of trash gets a pass along as it is expensive trash. Paris Hilton and other rich, cheap girls have made being trashy stylish as long as the price tag on the clothing or the car they drive is high enough. Unfortunately for the parents allowing or even supporting their young daughters emulating this image, stupid can be forever. And, stupid is spending $75 on a sexually suggestive shirt for a young, hormone raging thirteen year old girl. Just because it cost a lot doesn’t mean it can’t still be cheap. That $75 would probably be better spent on tutoring or at least some classes on well, class.
And, to all those hot looking moms out there who are trying to look like Paris Hilton themselves and have their daughters be their mini-me, please grow up. Just because you are a size 2, have breast implants, and wear skimpy clothing, doesn’t mean anyone thinks you are 22 years old. This look is the true definition of the desperate housewife. Stop trying so hard. Looking hot at Starbucks at 8:30 in the morning or the 6pm PTA meeting is so trampy. As we age, we can still be sexy and attractive in more tasteful ways. I see this all the time and it is a much prettier sight than the skimpy, teenage, Paris Hilton wannabe look.
Besides, our responsibility as moms is to model the image of a strong sensible woman so that our daughters can grow to be independent and take care of themselves in this world. How can we do that if we are 40 years old going on 15? How can we be an example of a wise, mature, smart guardian of our girls and their self-respect if we wear and condone clothing that announce
Not when you’re in 8th grade you shouldn’t be
Is anyone really buying the argument from the mother of an eighth grade girl that she didn’t realize her daughter‘s (surely a developing daughter) Juicy shirt would be a distraction at school? And, she isn’t fooling me by pretending not to know the sexual innuendo behind the Juicy name. Unlike other expensive lines of clothing with logos for adults and children say, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren’s Polo, or Tommy Hilfiger, Juicy’s only logo is the word Juicy and it is most always smeared suggestively across the private area of the clothing. On jeans, Juicy would be spelled out across the rear end. On this eighth grader’s shirt, Juicy is spelled out in large letters across the breast area. If there is no sexual wordplay going on here why not place Juicy on the sleeve or collar of the shirt? Well, because juicy arms and necks aren’t all that attractive are they? I think we are on the same page.
And, is there any reason to spend $75 on a shirt for a child in 8th grade? I’m thinking that someone who gets a $75 shirt should have a job. I think we’ve come to an age where a certain amount of trash gets a pass along as it is expensive trash. Paris Hilton and other rich, cheap girls have made being trashy stylish as long as the price tag on the clothing or the car they drive is high enough. Unfortunately for the parents allowing or even supporting their young daughters emulating this image, stupid can be forever. And, stupid is spending $75 on a sexually suggestive shirt for a young, hormone raging thirteen year old girl. Just because it cost a lot doesn’t mean it can’t still be cheap. That $75 would probably be better spent on tutoring or at least some classes on well, class.
And, to all those hot looking moms out there who are trying to look like Paris Hilton themselves and have their daughters be their mini-me, please grow up. Just because you are a size 2, have breast implants, and wear skimpy clothing, doesn’t mean anyone thinks you are 22 years old. This look is the true definition of the desperate housewife. Stop trying so hard. Looking hot at Starbucks at 8:30 in the morning or the 6pm PTA meeting is so trampy. As we age, we can still be sexy and attractive in more tasteful ways. I see this all the time and it is a much prettier sight than the skimpy, teenage, Paris Hilton wannabe look.
Besides, our responsibility as moms is to model the image of a strong sensible woman so that our daughters can grow to be independent and take care of themselves in this world. How can we do that if we are 40 years old going on 15? How can we be an example of a wise, mature, smart guardian of our girls and their self-respect if we wear and condone clothing that announce
What a Woman Should Do When...
(Originally Posted 10/2/2007)
A Man Doesn’t Know the Definition of a Date
Did I ever tell you about that time when I was a sophomore at UT and I was asked out by a tall, gorgeous guy on the UT Basketball team? Even though I stand at about 6 ft. and ∏ inch tall, this never stopped guys under 5’8” from asking me out. Hungry as I was as an undergrad I often happily accepted these dates with the promise of a hearty meal in sight. So imagine my delight when “Larry”, a beautiful, well-built 6’8” forward for the UT basketball team took notice of me and decided to start up a conversation that ended in him asking me out on a date. At least I thought it would be a date.
We set it up so that I would meet Larry at his dorm – I lived just off campus, what they used to call West campus – and then we would go out from there. This was already fishy since I’m an old fashioned type who believes in being picked up. Still, that tall, beautiful and popular basketball player wants to take me out.
So I get to his place and I notice that he is not properly dressed. I mean, hadn’t I just shaved my legs, spent three hours in the salon (black women and their hair – another blog on this later, I promise) and fretted with three different girls in my dorm, who met my acquaintance with me begging them to tell me whether it should be the black headband or the brown one? I get to his place and he is in basketball shorts and one of those sleeveless see through excuses for a shirt commonly referred to as a wife-beater. Seeing my confusion, he sluggishly replies, “come in take a seat. We’ll head out in a little while.” Twenty minutes after my pacing around, he is settling in and wanting to pour a drink or two. Then, a knock the door. Another even taller gorgeous basketballer with a cooler in hand. I was naïve enough at the time to think Larry would say, “Lisa and I were just heading out.” Though it was obvious from his lack of dress and the delight at his friends’ arrival we weren’t. This taller baller gives me a quick once over and announces that about three other folks with names unknown to me are on their way. As he finishes this sentence while unpacking dominoes another knock at the door.
Now, wait a minute. I think to myself. Tall gorgeous man is giving me the slip. Oh, and I so want to walk into a restaurant with a 6’8” man on my arm. I so want to be that girl with the cool guy. Because I am so not and have never been in the cool club. Still, I am increasingly rising in anger and hunger at this point so I get up the nerve to ask Larry, when we will get going. He informs me ever so casually that we’ve arrived. He thought we’d just “hang” with some of his friends , their girls, play some “bones”, and chill at his place with a cooler of beer. Now I am all for a casual get together with friends with nice crudite, wine, and dessert, but WHAT??? This is our first date? Cheap beer and stale popcorn? I am blowing off my Greek mythology term paper for this? I know I am a bit on the nerdy side but this is in my opinion SO not a date.
I politely say to Larry, no thanks. And, the next time he asks a girl out it should include dinner and a movie not a hanging out at his place with his dirty socks and basketball groupies.
Disappointed, I sulked home but not without a sense of pride. I know a lot of women who would have stayed and been Larry’s groupie for the night. They would have thought the pleasure and privilege of his company to be enough. And, of course, he did too. So accustomed these athletic types are to girls going ga-ga over the mere prospect of their interest, that they are in a position to regularly take advantage of women from every angle. These jock types think they have all the power and the control. But, lest you think it is just the jocks who are this arrogant, don’t be fooled. Plenty of men with even less to offer are guilty of trying to lull women into the privilege of their company without having to lift a finger. These men too often think that women are so desperate to be with them, that they have the power.
Wrong. Women are actually holding all the cards, but, we usually don’t know it. Sure, Larry may have moved on to the next girl who happily slid in my place, but, I left with my pride and dignity in proper order. I knew what I wanted and what I didn’t. And, like most women I had no desire to be his one night stand, and a hungry one at that. I also knew that playing along with his little game would only make things worse down the line. I mean, if your guy is wearing a wife beater on your first date, can you imagine date three? If a man doesn’t at least make a slight effort in the beginning, my guess is that while you might be the one for him that night, you certainly are not the one for him long term and he not for you.
So what do you do when a guy asks you out on a date but:
Doesn’t offer to pick you up? Ask where you can meet him? This also works if you don’t want him to pick you up.
Doesn’t take you to a decent place? By decent I mean someplace that does not offer have a drive-through, or gives you the option to super-size. You fake nausea – which you should have anyway and ask to be taken home.
Does not immediately take the check. Don’t you dare pick up that bill, go dutch, or even look in the direction of the bill. You continue talking to him until he gets the message. Should he be rude enough to ask you to split it, you politely say that you thought it was a date, look back at him and make sure either drive yourself home or call a taxi. I wouldn’t recommend getting in his car if he’s mad that he had to pay a whole dinner bill. Could be a problem.
Does not ask you out for a Saturday night before Wednesday night. You are too busy. A man who thinks you haven’t made plans for Saturday by Thursday. As if? When a man really likes you, he wants to reserve his time with you early. IF a man calls you the night before or the afternoon of, he might just be bored and looking for easy action.
When women do not settle for boys, they get real men in their lives. When we don’t settle, we make men stronger and that is why we are here. Men enjoy this challenge, this hunt for the unattainable. After all, nothing ventured nothing gained and why buy the cow . . . I think we all know the rest
A Man Doesn’t Know the Definition of a Date
Did I ever tell you about that time when I was a sophomore at UT and I was asked out by a tall, gorgeous guy on the UT Basketball team? Even though I stand at about 6 ft. and ∏ inch tall, this never stopped guys under 5’8” from asking me out. Hungry as I was as an undergrad I often happily accepted these dates with the promise of a hearty meal in sight. So imagine my delight when “Larry”, a beautiful, well-built 6’8” forward for the UT basketball team took notice of me and decided to start up a conversation that ended in him asking me out on a date. At least I thought it would be a date.
We set it up so that I would meet Larry at his dorm – I lived just off campus, what they used to call West campus – and then we would go out from there. This was already fishy since I’m an old fashioned type who believes in being picked up. Still, that tall, beautiful and popular basketball player wants to take me out.
So I get to his place and I notice that he is not properly dressed. I mean, hadn’t I just shaved my legs, spent three hours in the salon (black women and their hair – another blog on this later, I promise) and fretted with three different girls in my dorm, who met my acquaintance with me begging them to tell me whether it should be the black headband or the brown one? I get to his place and he is in basketball shorts and one of those sleeveless see through excuses for a shirt commonly referred to as a wife-beater. Seeing my confusion, he sluggishly replies, “come in take a seat. We’ll head out in a little while.” Twenty minutes after my pacing around, he is settling in and wanting to pour a drink or two. Then, a knock the door. Another even taller gorgeous basketballer with a cooler in hand. I was naïve enough at the time to think Larry would say, “Lisa and I were just heading out.” Though it was obvious from his lack of dress and the delight at his friends’ arrival we weren’t. This taller baller gives me a quick once over and announces that about three other folks with names unknown to me are on their way. As he finishes this sentence while unpacking dominoes another knock at the door.
Now, wait a minute. I think to myself. Tall gorgeous man is giving me the slip. Oh, and I so want to walk into a restaurant with a 6’8” man on my arm. I so want to be that girl with the cool guy. Because I am so not and have never been in the cool club. Still, I am increasingly rising in anger and hunger at this point so I get up the nerve to ask Larry, when we will get going. He informs me ever so casually that we’ve arrived. He thought we’d just “hang” with some of his friends , their girls, play some “bones”, and chill at his place with a cooler of beer. Now I am all for a casual get together with friends with nice crudite, wine, and dessert, but WHAT??? This is our first date? Cheap beer and stale popcorn? I am blowing off my Greek mythology term paper for this? I know I am a bit on the nerdy side but this is in my opinion SO not a date.
I politely say to Larry, no thanks. And, the next time he asks a girl out it should include dinner and a movie not a hanging out at his place with his dirty socks and basketball groupies.
Disappointed, I sulked home but not without a sense of pride. I know a lot of women who would have stayed and been Larry’s groupie for the night. They would have thought the pleasure and privilege of his company to be enough. And, of course, he did too. So accustomed these athletic types are to girls going ga-ga over the mere prospect of their interest, that they are in a position to regularly take advantage of women from every angle. These jock types think they have all the power and the control. But, lest you think it is just the jocks who are this arrogant, don’t be fooled. Plenty of men with even less to offer are guilty of trying to lull women into the privilege of their company without having to lift a finger. These men too often think that women are so desperate to be with them, that they have the power.
Wrong. Women are actually holding all the cards, but, we usually don’t know it. Sure, Larry may have moved on to the next girl who happily slid in my place, but, I left with my pride and dignity in proper order. I knew what I wanted and what I didn’t. And, like most women I had no desire to be his one night stand, and a hungry one at that. I also knew that playing along with his little game would only make things worse down the line. I mean, if your guy is wearing a wife beater on your first date, can you imagine date three? If a man doesn’t at least make a slight effort in the beginning, my guess is that while you might be the one for him that night, you certainly are not the one for him long term and he not for you.
So what do you do when a guy asks you out on a date but:
Doesn’t offer to pick you up? Ask where you can meet him? This also works if you don’t want him to pick you up.
Doesn’t take you to a decent place? By decent I mean someplace that does not offer have a drive-through, or gives you the option to super-size. You fake nausea – which you should have anyway and ask to be taken home.
Does not immediately take the check. Don’t you dare pick up that bill, go dutch, or even look in the direction of the bill. You continue talking to him until he gets the message. Should he be rude enough to ask you to split it, you politely say that you thought it was a date, look back at him and make sure either drive yourself home or call a taxi. I wouldn’t recommend getting in his car if he’s mad that he had to pay a whole dinner bill. Could be a problem.
Does not ask you out for a Saturday night before Wednesday night. You are too busy. A man who thinks you haven’t made plans for Saturday by Thursday. As if? When a man really likes you, he wants to reserve his time with you early. IF a man calls you the night before or the afternoon of, he might just be bored and looking for easy action.
When women do not settle for boys, they get real men in their lives. When we don’t settle, we make men stronger and that is why we are here. Men enjoy this challenge, this hunt for the unattainable. After all, nothing ventured nothing gained and why buy the cow . . . I think we all know the rest
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Where is Todd Palin?
I know that Sarah Palin is the Governor, but, shouldn’t Todd Palin be in Letterman’s face for dishonoring his daughter as well. Sure this is a time for women to be outraged over another incident of a man marginalizing a young woman, or girl, in this case, but, we need more men to fight on our behalf.
Todd Palin could issue a curt one liner telling David Letterman not to utter another word about his daughters in a sexually degrading way or else. A man several generations before would never dare dishonor a man’s daughter because they knew they would have to deal with the father. As long as we only have women speaking out while men remain silent, it seems a one-sided problem for women only. And it is not. If women suffer and their honor goes unprotected, men will inevitably suffer the consequences in the long run with their future sons, wives, or their own daughters.
Todd Palin could issue a curt one liner telling David Letterman not to utter another word about his daughters in a sexually degrading way or else. A man several generations before would never dare dishonor a man’s daughter because they knew they would have to deal with the father. As long as we only have women speaking out while men remain silent, it seems a one-sided problem for women only. And it is not. If women suffer and their honor goes unprotected, men will inevitably suffer the consequences in the long run with their future sons, wives, or their own daughters.
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