(Originally Posted 11/19/2008)
The Obama family is now the Cosby’s in real life. But even the Drs. Huxtable cannot top the First Family as a symbol of a rich and strong family unit. Growing up, I never realized it was such a big deal that the Huxtables were a black family. In my middle class neighborhood was a black doctor with a large home and a family. (We all thought they were really rich by the way.) We had hardworking teachers, plant and factory workers, stay at home moms, working moms. We were surrounded by families. Perhaps not like the Huxtables, but, mothers and fathers all the same. This type of intimate knowledge of the family unit is what truly matters.
I am fascinated by the stories of black people and mothers of black children who only now believe that doors have been opened and that what can be achieved is limitless. More than fascinated, I am also a little disappointed, for, why all the wasted time in cynicism and not striving?
I do believe this moment is an inspiration and uplifting for all people; however, we must all recognize that the true change begins with our hard work, our efforts to reach out to others, and our faith in each other, not a politician no matter what color. And, so it has always been. That many black Americans are just now opening their eyes to limitless horizons is shocking. Haven’t we seen this moment coming with the appointment of Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Quincy Jones, Condoleeza Rice, Kenneth Chenault (Chairman of American Express) Oprah Winfrey? We have had many symbols of what is possible for two decades now. Should we all be asking if not me, who then? This is what Obama, Oprah, Quincy Jones, and Condoleeza Rice asked before they where OBAMA, OPRAH, and the Quincy Jones.
But, will the Obama family image changed completely the communal dynamic of black families and the black community? This remains to be seen and I must say I am a skeptic.
The point is this: those who have always veered toward and expected success for themselves and their communities will continue to fulfill that high purpose – perhaps with Obama in mind. Unfortunately, and I do hope this is not the case, I fear that the afterglow of Obama being elected will wear off when people who have always found an excuse will simply come up with a different one.
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