(Originally Posted 10/10/2007)
Not when you’re in 8th grade you shouldn’t be
Is anyone really buying the argument from the mother of an eighth grade girl that she didn’t realize her daughter‘s (surely a developing daughter) Juicy shirt would be a distraction at school? And, she isn’t fooling me by pretending not to know the sexual innuendo behind the Juicy name. Unlike other expensive lines of clothing with logos for adults and children say, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren’s Polo, or Tommy Hilfiger, Juicy’s only logo is the word Juicy and it is most always smeared suggestively across the private area of the clothing. On jeans, Juicy would be spelled out across the rear end. On this eighth grader’s shirt, Juicy is spelled out in large letters across the breast area. If there is no sexual wordplay going on here why not place Juicy on the sleeve or collar of the shirt? Well, because juicy arms and necks aren’t all that attractive are they? I think we are on the same page.
And, is there any reason to spend $75 on a shirt for a child in 8th grade? I’m thinking that someone who gets a $75 shirt should have a job. I think we’ve come to an age where a certain amount of trash gets a pass along as it is expensive trash. Paris Hilton and other rich, cheap girls have made being trashy stylish as long as the price tag on the clothing or the car they drive is high enough. Unfortunately for the parents allowing or even supporting their young daughters emulating this image, stupid can be forever. And, stupid is spending $75 on a sexually suggestive shirt for a young, hormone raging thirteen year old girl. Just because it cost a lot doesn’t mean it can’t still be cheap. That $75 would probably be better spent on tutoring or at least some classes on well, class.
And, to all those hot looking moms out there who are trying to look like Paris Hilton themselves and have their daughters be their mini-me, please grow up. Just because you are a size 2, have breast implants, and wear skimpy clothing, doesn’t mean anyone thinks you are 22 years old. This look is the true definition of the desperate housewife. Stop trying so hard. Looking hot at Starbucks at 8:30 in the morning or the 6pm PTA meeting is so trampy. As we age, we can still be sexy and attractive in more tasteful ways. I see this all the time and it is a much prettier sight than the skimpy, teenage, Paris Hilton wannabe look.
Besides, our responsibility as moms is to model the image of a strong sensible woman so that our daughters can grow to be independent and take care of themselves in this world. How can we do that if we are 40 years old going on 15? How can we be an example of a wise, mature, smart guardian of our girls and their self-respect if we wear and condone clothing that announce
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