(Originally Posted 9/12/2008)
Republicans should be on their knees thanking the heavens for Sarah Palin and applauding John McCain for having the good sense to choose her as his running mate. Having the courage to do what Barack Obama didn’t in picking Hillary as his VP candidate, McCain has surged ahead in the polls and has transformed the context of this Presidential campaign.
What makes Palin so great?
1. She is strong but not angry
2. She is smart but not an elitist Ivy League operative
3. She is courageous – bringing into the world a special needs child and taking on the Republican establishment as a newcomer
4. She is bold – she is a straightalker and has finally given other Republicans the courage the speak up and challenge the old Democratic pundits and lies.
5. She has a close family – she appears to have a husband who loves her, a strong family, and community
6. She is religious during a time when religion seems old fashioned and out of vogue to mainstream
7. Finally, she is a conservative!!
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