(Originally Posted 8/18/2009)
“Are we there yet?” is the question being asked all over town these days and it isn’t the pee-wee voice of whining and bored kids. It’s moms across the country who want to know when the heck are we going to get to the first day of school. With the summer lingering on hot and slower each day and good summer camp programs drying up, most moms I know are simply running out of options to maintain order and dignity in their lives, let alone their homes.
I recently visited a friend’s house who invited my son over to hang and dropped my jaw as the first thing I witnessed were her “House Rules.” I read them once, and then twice. You mean another mom is feed up with slouching at the dinner table, cries of boredom, and by the love of God, leaving the patio door open!
So many of words on the list were verbatim what I’ve been preaching, okay, sometimes yelling to my kids all summer.
We all enjoy the summer and our children. It’s only that taking shelter from the heat towards the end of summer with the start of school in very near sight gives way to Shining like behavior from adults and kids alike. Thus, a few House Rules to keep us all in line.
I share these with you not only because they are what we wish for in our homes universally, but, also because they are so darn amusing to read out loud. Here they are in her own script. I have typed them below in case they are hard to read:
Have a great school year!
House Rules:
1. No intentional vexing
2. No screaming or Emotional bullying
3. Those who clean up after themselves will be praised and glorified
4. Ask before you open the refrigerator/freezer
5. At table: sit up; eat with fork; use your plate; close your mouth while eating; knees down; sit until done
6. Make your bed
7. Flush the toilet after No.2
8. Dirty clothes in hamper
9. Do not say, “I’m bored” or “no fair”
10. Close the outside doors behind you
11. No Badgering
12. “Hello” “Goodbye” “Please” “Thank you”
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