(Originally Posted 2/19/2009)
Here we go again. Another high achieving black liberal telling Americans that we aren’t good enough for him. And, just what is our crime this time? “We, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race,” says newly appointed US Attorney General, Eric Holder. Holder who is black goes on to call Americans cowards on racial matters. Excuse me Mr. Holder. Just what are you complaining about? If there is anything to talk about in regards to racial matters in the country it is how nearly 70% of black children are missing fathers. Should we really talk about how although the black community makes up %12 of the nation, we account for 70% of the correctional facility population. If anyone is a coward, with all due respect Atty. Holder, it is you.
For someone who has made it to the top office of the law field, under an African-American administration to come out and project racist notions onto America, makes you irresponsible and a coward. The cowardice you bear is one of deep hypocrisy. While you lecture on racism, you neglect to lecture on choices and the natural consequences of ones’ actions. Did you ever think to share with the suffering minority who are finding their lives to be in distress, exactly what catapulted you to success? I can bet the reason you are where you are today isn’t because you opened up dialogues on race and racism everywhere you went. I’ll bet when you were interviewing for a position with a law firm, or, any form of management you were able to articulate and communicate effectively what you have to offer. Though I don’t know you personally, Mr. Holder, I am willing to go out on a limb and bet that you don’t have any children out of wedlock with a high-school drop-out, nor do you have a criminal record.
Or, did you, despite any obstacle in your way, always commit to doing your best. Did you believing that race might be against you in your generation work twice as hard. Did you decide to make friends who kept out of trouble: all very good choices, that you would have been heroic and noble to share to the many black children and adults who are afflicted with the blame syndrome that is the leading culprit of our failures in the black community today.
The cowardice is in the one sidedness of lectures from Mr. Holder and others like him while. And, we are just supposed to suck it up and take it. Meanwhile, others who inch forward with a modern truth on race and achievement and opportunity are shut down as elites, out of touch, or worse sell-outs. It is an embarrassment to the black community to have someone who has made it so far in life, to come back and look down on those of us who want to hear more about what got them there instead of their lying to everyone else about what’s keeping the bottom half of black America from joining them at the top. Considering his great position and background Mr. Holder makes it more embarrassing to be black, than, say the gangster mall thugs with the baggy pants and gold chains. At least they know exactly who they are.
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