Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Europe, Asia, and the Middle East – Obama’s New BFF’s.

(Originally Posted 4/9/2009)

Of course Europeans and other nations around the globe are welcoming Obama with open arms because every time he opens his mouth, it is bad for Americans. Obama is now a symbol of the United States becoming just like every other nation: weak on defense (he mentioned ridding the US of our nukes), subdued individual rights and freedoms (higher taxes and less control over one’s own wealth). America has always been looked upon as a great superpower where life, liberty, prosperity, and individual merit reign. We’ve had no equal in terms of military strength, GNP, and social freedom. Around the world we have been envied for these reasons. Now; however, it seems we are to become contemporaries to the rest of the world – oh they are hoping so- and President Obama is out giving assurances to that fact.

It isn’t only that our economy is weakened alongside the rest of the world. By touting his socialist programs such as nationalized health care, government control of private sectors and industries, extreme tax hikes, and equally extreme government spending, the rest of the world can now be assured that we are headed straight down in stature to join them in mediocrity.

And, on Michelle Obama being such a phenomenal success, how could the media or anyone else treat the first black first lady as anything but.

Lisa Fritsch

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