Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ACTION-JACKSON OBAMA and, oh, McCain too.

(Originally Posted 7/30/2008)

Obama’s campaign for President is as much Hollywood as it is how David Brooks of the New York Times describes it, Disney. Action-Jackson Obama clearly sees this campaign as such gleaming proudly upon hearing the term “rock star” attached to him and responding buoyantly to a thoughtful criticism of his tour abroad by David Brooks as “one bad review out of ten.” May as well be Will Smith promoting Hancock. Clearly Obama sees himself as sort of an actor of sorts willing to slip into whatever role suiting the moment. Whether at home or abroad, “now is our time” seems to be his show’s tagline: Barack Obama: “Now is our Time, “ on every news channel near you.

The only thing McCain can do at this point since he isn’t exciting or young enough to be on camera and lacks a theatrical tagline of his own is to play up to the nervous voters. Those nervous voters are people who still have questions about Michelle Obama, Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s Rezko scandals, and for goodness sakes, his plan for victory in Iraq. Hopefully, McCain and his staff know better than to sit by the phone for reporters to ask if they can follow him about. He has to run a grass-roots campaign directly to the people who will make the difference in this race: working class, rural white voters who can’t put their fingers on it, but just don’t get Barack Obama.

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