Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lisa Fritsch New Radio Schedule
Lisa is now on Weekdays, Mondays through Thursdays from 10am to 11am on KLBJ 590AM . Tune in to hear her live.
Lisa Speaking at East Austin Republican Club
Location: Texas Land & Cattle Restaurant
6007 N I H 35, Austin, TX View Map
When:... Monday, September 28, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Phone: 512-633-6378
You do not have to live in East Austin in order to join us in trying to shine the light of truth into this community. For too long the Republican Party has written off this area, where there are so many conservatives that have been lied to for so long. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of this community. There should be no boundaries when it comes to helping to spread the truth.
Our speaker for the evening will be Lisa Fritsch, KLBJ local radio talk show host.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Talk of Race for Obama is a Giant Step Back for Obama and for Us
Originally Posted 9/16/2009
President Jimmy Carter has now made it official. The liberal Democrats have decided to make the country pay for the mistakes of the Obama administration and their agenda by faulting Americans as racist. It is time for minorities to step up and say that this time we will not be used as the scapegoat, as the propaganda, as the victim, and as the dividing force in this country in order to legitimate the nation’s first black President.
The race card has been up the media’s sleeve as a defense mechanism for President Obama long before Joe Wilson shouted out, “you lie”, in the special session to Congress. The Joe Wilson incident only provided the stage for a long written script that the media planned to pull out when Americans or conservatives dare criticize or vehemently disagree with the President. Is the only way to defend the President and his policies to drudge up the prejudices of this nation from sixty to hundreds of years ago? And, to play up on the one thing that can make Americans feel sorry for the President as if his blackness is some unspoken disability that many ignore, but, are expected to condescend to like a guy in a wheelchair in front of a heavy door? The whole fiasco about the half- African decent of President Obama’s being the cause of civil unrest is not only disgusting, but, pitiful: poor President Obama, if only he were white, Congress would have passed health care reform by now. If only most Americans were not racist, the town halls would be full of Americans rallying in support of all the spending coming out of Washington. And, if only the nation could accept a black man in charge, Obama could reign in unobstructed peace and solidarity no matter what policies or laws he wants to impose. When one actually translates out load the implication of the racist accusation, only then does the absurdity truly rise to the top.
Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps the American people deserve more credit than what the media will allow them? Here is a spectacular point of view: perhaps the American people are even more so disappointed in Obama because they expected SO much of him, not so little. And, in that expectation, many hoped positive change had come with him because of his race, not in spite of it? We have celebrated this awe inspiring African-American man. We have looked to him to unify us with his diverse points of view and his intellectual philosophies. We have turned to him for racial edification. We have hoped that this big change that was all about electing him would wipe the slate clean and cleanse us of our sins of a prejudiced past. Quite simply, the return on this promise has left us empty and further wanting. The promise of change, we have found out is a lie. And, we are to sit idly by while our country pays the price.
President Jimmy Carter has now made it official. The liberal Democrats have decided to make the country pay for the mistakes of the Obama administration and their agenda by faulting Americans as racist. It is time for minorities to step up and say that this time we will not be used as the scapegoat, as the propaganda, as the victim, and as the dividing force in this country in order to legitimate the nation’s first black President.
The race card has been up the media’s sleeve as a defense mechanism for President Obama long before Joe Wilson shouted out, “you lie”, in the special session to Congress. The Joe Wilson incident only provided the stage for a long written script that the media planned to pull out when Americans or conservatives dare criticize or vehemently disagree with the President. Is the only way to defend the President and his policies to drudge up the prejudices of this nation from sixty to hundreds of years ago? And, to play up on the one thing that can make Americans feel sorry for the President as if his blackness is some unspoken disability that many ignore, but, are expected to condescend to like a guy in a wheelchair in front of a heavy door? The whole fiasco about the half- African decent of President Obama’s being the cause of civil unrest is not only disgusting, but, pitiful: poor President Obama, if only he were white, Congress would have passed health care reform by now. If only most Americans were not racist, the town halls would be full of Americans rallying in support of all the spending coming out of Washington. And, if only the nation could accept a black man in charge, Obama could reign in unobstructed peace and solidarity no matter what policies or laws he wants to impose. When one actually translates out load the implication of the racist accusation, only then does the absurdity truly rise to the top.
Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps the American people deserve more credit than what the media will allow them? Here is a spectacular point of view: perhaps the American people are even more so disappointed in Obama because they expected SO much of him, not so little. And, in that expectation, many hoped positive change had come with him because of his race, not in spite of it? We have celebrated this awe inspiring African-American man. We have looked to him to unify us with his diverse points of view and his intellectual philosophies. We have turned to him for racial edification. We have hoped that this big change that was all about electing him would wipe the slate clean and cleanse us of our sins of a prejudiced past. Quite simply, the return on this promise has left us empty and further wanting. The promise of change, we have found out is a lie. And, we are to sit idly by while our country pays the price.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

(Originally Posted 8/18/2009)
“Are we there yet?” is the question being asked all over town these days and it isn’t the pee-wee voice of whining and bored kids. It’s moms across the country who want to know when the heck are we going to get to the first day of school. With the summer lingering on hot and slower each day and good summer camp programs drying up, most moms I know are simply running out of options to maintain order and dignity in their lives, let alone their homes.
I recently visited a friend’s house who invited my son over to hang and dropped my jaw as the first thing I witnessed were her “House Rules.” I read them once, and then twice. You mean another mom is feed up with slouching at the dinner table, cries of boredom, and by the love of God, leaving the patio door open!
So many of words on the list were verbatim what I’ve been preaching, okay, sometimes yelling to my kids all summer.
We all enjoy the summer and our children. It’s only that taking shelter from the heat towards the end of summer with the start of school in very near sight gives way to Shining like behavior from adults and kids alike. Thus, a few House Rules to keep us all in line.
I share these with you not only because they are what we wish for in our homes universally, but, also because they are so darn amusing to read out loud. Here they are in her own script. I have typed them below in case they are hard to read:
Have a great school year!
House Rules:
1. No intentional vexing
2. No screaming or Emotional bullying
3. Those who clean up after themselves will be praised and glorified
4. Ask before you open the refrigerator/freezer
5. At table: sit up; eat with fork; use your plate; close your mouth while eating; knees down; sit until done
6. Make your bed
7. Flush the toilet after No.2
8. Dirty clothes in hamper
9. Do not say, “I’m bored” or “no fair”
10. Close the outside doors behind you
11. No Badgering
12. “Hello” “Goodbye” “Please” “Thank you”
(Originally Posted 7/6/2009)
I do not want to regret my support of Sarah Palin, but....
Since her first interview with Katie Couric, I and women like me have been defending her against the mean and nasty press. We’ve been standing up for her and her plain talk as mainstream and down to earth. We admired her witty but quirky ways to identify with most Americans: remember the hockey mom, pitbull and the lipstick quip? Or, the jokes about shooting a moose? All great.
Back then, the quick observations that she was an intellectual lightweight (code word used all around, “dumb” or “stupid”) seemed to be the media’s natural reaction to being threatened by Palin’s appeal to ordinary Americans and conservatives. Much later when the McCain team “leaked” information that she was a diva and shopaholic on a Neiman Marcus binge, many Palin supporters like myself wagged our finger at John McCain that he would allow such disloyalty and disrespect to his running mate and the first Republican female Vice Presidential nominee. Then came more nasty pieces by the likes of Maureen Dowd and Gail Collins of the New York times that were easily dismissed as elite snobbery woman to woman against a conservative pro-life Republican. David Letterman was next to attack full speed ahead and we were there once more calling him out for his inappropriate suggestion that rape is okay if you are Sarah Palin’s daughter. Saturday Night Live was there from the beginning. And most recently Vanity Fair who stoops to a new level of trashy and base journalism to mock and criticize Palin. The media plain hates Sarah Palin hands down and there wasn’t much she or her supporters could do about it. At least not to change it. Even so we were right to stand with her and for her and we are right today to ask, “ What the heck was that Sarah Palin?”
We’ve all conceded that Palin was rough around the edges on the big media stage, but, her latest revelation that she is resigning as Governor of Alaska for a higher calling is another example of her being completely unqualified to deal with the media and her own image. It wasn’t so much that she is quitting her post, something that seems to lack integrity and the toughness she’s so tried to portray, rather, the way she quit. She rambled and rambled about being a point guard and higher callings and in the meantime insinuated that her feelings were hurt. Lately, Palin is single handedly self destructing on every camera and every microphone that comes her way. And, it isn’t because of what the media is saying, it is because she doesn’t know when to be quiet and what to be quiet about.
After all this, I do still believe in Sarah Palin and a woman like her. I believe our attraction to her freshness and core conservative stance was authentic and real. That strong favor she curried has the potential to create real heat in 2012, but, it will not be without some serious reckoning for Republicans. We will have to acknowledge that to defend a Sarah Palin or a ridiculed candidate like her is just as good as saying “it’s not fair.” She is not perfect and she needs serious communication and literacy consulting. A few buzz words, and political talking points, can’t hurt. And, finally, a haircut (goodbye Caribou Barbie) and a pantsuit should not be too far behind.
I do not want to regret my support of Sarah Palin, but....
Since her first interview with Katie Couric, I and women like me have been defending her against the mean and nasty press. We’ve been standing up for her and her plain talk as mainstream and down to earth. We admired her witty but quirky ways to identify with most Americans: remember the hockey mom, pitbull and the lipstick quip? Or, the jokes about shooting a moose? All great.
Back then, the quick observations that she was an intellectual lightweight (code word used all around, “dumb” or “stupid”) seemed to be the media’s natural reaction to being threatened by Palin’s appeal to ordinary Americans and conservatives. Much later when the McCain team “leaked” information that she was a diva and shopaholic on a Neiman Marcus binge, many Palin supporters like myself wagged our finger at John McCain that he would allow such disloyalty and disrespect to his running mate and the first Republican female Vice Presidential nominee. Then came more nasty pieces by the likes of Maureen Dowd and Gail Collins of the New York times that were easily dismissed as elite snobbery woman to woman against a conservative pro-life Republican. David Letterman was next to attack full speed ahead and we were there once more calling him out for his inappropriate suggestion that rape is okay if you are Sarah Palin’s daughter. Saturday Night Live was there from the beginning. And most recently Vanity Fair who stoops to a new level of trashy and base journalism to mock and criticize Palin. The media plain hates Sarah Palin hands down and there wasn’t much she or her supporters could do about it. At least not to change it. Even so we were right to stand with her and for her and we are right today to ask, “ What the heck was that Sarah Palin?”
We’ve all conceded that Palin was rough around the edges on the big media stage, but, her latest revelation that she is resigning as Governor of Alaska for a higher calling is another example of her being completely unqualified to deal with the media and her own image. It wasn’t so much that she is quitting her post, something that seems to lack integrity and the toughness she’s so tried to portray, rather, the way she quit. She rambled and rambled about being a point guard and higher callings and in the meantime insinuated that her feelings were hurt. Lately, Palin is single handedly self destructing on every camera and every microphone that comes her way. And, it isn’t because of what the media is saying, it is because she doesn’t know when to be quiet and what to be quiet about.
After all this, I do still believe in Sarah Palin and a woman like her. I believe our attraction to her freshness and core conservative stance was authentic and real. That strong favor she curried has the potential to create real heat in 2012, but, it will not be without some serious reckoning for Republicans. We will have to acknowledge that to defend a Sarah Palin or a ridiculed candidate like her is just as good as saying “it’s not fair.” She is not perfect and she needs serious communication and literacy consulting. A few buzz words, and political talking points, can’t hurt. And, finally, a haircut (goodbye Caribou Barbie) and a pantsuit should not be too far behind.
John & Kate Plus 8 – So What?
(Originally Posted 6/23/2009)
This John and Kate Plus 8 has turned into the biggest and lamest media blitz since the swine flu. I believe I watched the show once when it was supposedly in its charming state: a cute couple with 8 cute kids and a crazy life. "Wow? How did they manage to handle it all and stay so in love? Wasn’t it dreamy?" No, for me it never was. The whole time perched upon my sofa I kept thinking this production of theirs was pathetic and unrealistic. I never understood why so many people would tune in to watch a complete lie.
The sad thing is that maybe John and Kate plus 8 didn’t have to be a lie. Perhaps they could have made it without the cameras in their face 24/7 or without the developing pride and ego that instant and unwarranted fame seems to bring. With all the reality shows and so called stars popping up with something to share with the world that had they kept to themselves would have been more relevant, it makes one wonder if John and Kate and their 8 would have been more charming and viable if we didn’t all have to know them with all their business spilled into the streets.
This John and Kate Plus 8 has turned into the biggest and lamest media blitz since the swine flu. I believe I watched the show once when it was supposedly in its charming state: a cute couple with 8 cute kids and a crazy life. "Wow? How did they manage to handle it all and stay so in love? Wasn’t it dreamy?" No, for me it never was. The whole time perched upon my sofa I kept thinking this production of theirs was pathetic and unrealistic. I never understood why so many people would tune in to watch a complete lie.
The sad thing is that maybe John and Kate plus 8 didn’t have to be a lie. Perhaps they could have made it without the cameras in their face 24/7 or without the developing pride and ego that instant and unwarranted fame seems to bring. With all the reality shows and so called stars popping up with something to share with the world that had they kept to themselves would have been more relevant, it makes one wonder if John and Kate and their 8 would have been more charming and viable if we didn’t all have to know them with all their business spilled into the streets.
Where is Todd Palin
(Originally Posted 6/15/2009)
I know that Sarah Palin is the Governor, but, shouldn’t Todd Palin be in Letterman’s face for dishonoring his daughter as well. Sure this is a time for women to be outraged over another incident of a man marginalizing a young woman, or girl, in this case, but, we need more men to fight on our behalf.
Todd Palin could issue a curt one liner telling David Letterman not to utter another word about his daughters in a sexually degrading way or else. A man several generations before would never dare dishonor a man’s daughter because they knew they would have to deal with the father. As long as we only have women speaking out while men remain silent, it seems a one-sided problem for women only. And it is not. If women suffer and their honor goes unprotected, men will inevitably suffer the consequences in the long run with their future sons, wives, or their own daughters.
I know that Sarah Palin is the Governor, but, shouldn’t Todd Palin be in Letterman’s face for dishonoring his daughter as well. Sure this is a time for women to be outraged over another incident of a man marginalizing a young woman, or girl, in this case, but, we need more men to fight on our behalf.
Todd Palin could issue a curt one liner telling David Letterman not to utter another word about his daughters in a sexually degrading way or else. A man several generations before would never dare dishonor a man’s daughter because they knew they would have to deal with the father. As long as we only have women speaking out while men remain silent, it seems a one-sided problem for women only. And it is not. If women suffer and their honor goes unprotected, men will inevitably suffer the consequences in the long run with their future sons, wives, or their own daughters.
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