Monday, March 29, 2010

Lisa Fritsch on Neal Cavuto Monday at 4pm ET

Lisa is scheduled to be interviewed by Neal Cavuto today during "Your World with Neal Cavuto" at 4pm Eastern Time/3pm Central time. The interview will be via satellite from the Fox News affiliate in Austin.


  1. You rock Lisa! I can't wait to read more of your thoughts...shalom!

  2. Thanks for standing up that this is not about race. I am white but love my brothers and sisters our lord made us all. It seems they want to divide us again through all these government infringements on our God given rights.Thank you again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lisa - saw you on Cavuto's show - you were brilliant! Thanks for being a patriot and standing up for truth and honesty. Unfortunately, the progressives don't want a real discussion of the issues - they're playing by Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals - fanning hostilities and demonizing their opposition, playing "the race card" at every opportunity. Meanwhile, those in power in Washington are implementing measures, using the Cloward-Piven strategy to collapse our economic system. All concerned Americans must stand together to defeat their radical agenda! It's sad that so many are being led like sheep over a cliff. Please spread the word to VOTE in November and in every election thereafter to FREE AMERICA from the enslaving chains of the progressives! We must be free!

  5. I don't know you as a person Lisa but I think you have the right to have whatever political views that you like. In your case republican. However what comes through in your TV commentary and writings is that you have a thing against ethnic minorities and especially black people. Seems you are self hating.

    Please understand this. Not all minorities are scroungers. Majority of the minorities are decent hard working and successful. Most of all they are proud of their self reliance. A number of ethnic minorities own businesses and are employers of labour. Not every ethnic minority on welfare is LAZY. Not everyone who happens to be on welfare decided they wanted to be on welfare.Some have just fallen on hard times. Food for thought....

  6. Loved you today on Neil Cavuto...will be following you from now on to hear more of your thoughts. Loved your straightforwardness and honesty. We need everyone to stand up for the truth. It's not stated so bluntly and politely and eloquently very often these days and you did all three.
