I know that Sarah Palin is the Governor, but, shouldn’t Todd Palin be in Letterman’s face for dishonoring his daughter as well. Sure this is a time for women to be outraged over another incident of a man marginalizing a young woman, or girl, in this case, but, we need more men to fight on our behalf.
Todd Palin could issue a curt one liner telling David Letterman not to utter another word about his daughters in a sexually degrading way or else. A man several generations before would never dare dishonor a man’s daughter because they knew they would have to deal with the father. As long as we only have women speaking out while men remain silent, it seems a one-sided problem for women only. And it is not. If women suffer and their honor goes unprotected, men will inevitably suffer the consequences in the long run with their future sons, wives, or their own daughters.